Pole Barns: Blazing Pole Building Prices…Honestly

Blazing Building Prices…Honestly

You’ve been talking with someone about a new pole barn. You like the salesperson, and feel like you have built a good relationship with them. You feel they offer a good design solution, can deliver within your time frame….just one question remains.

Is their price right?

Here is the secret to honestly finding out for certain….

Make sure all of the following information is on the quote you have been provided – width, length, dimensions and roof slope. Ground and roof snow loads, design wind speed and wind exposure are also essential. If you are considering the purchase of a pole building kit from a lumber yard, or “big box” store, make certain they guarantee to supply all of the materials necessary to construct the building. Many suppliers will attempt to foist off on you, the unsuspecting buyer, an itemized list of materials they propose to supply, and does not necessarily mean a building can be constructed from it!

Read all of the fine print – including those statements which may actually abstain them from any responsibility should they fail to provide enough materials to finish your building.  Does the quote include any guarantee or warranty?  How about building plans, are they included?  Are the plans complete instructions or are you expected to take a list of materials and just “wing it”?  If you have questions during construction, is there tech support available?

Now armed with a complete quote, scan and email, or FAX it to Hansen Buildings. One of our Building Designers will review it for you, at absolutely no charge. If items of concern are seen, they will let you know what they might be. If you are getting a fabulous deal, we will be the first ones to let you know. More important than us providing your new pole building is making certain you are getting a building which best solves your problems, meets your needs and is a great value.

To submit a quote and get some fabulous pole building prices checkout our free building quote page.

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2 thoughts on “Pole Barns: Blazing Pole Building Prices…Honestly

  1. I love this building minus the roll up doors…what is the material cost? I would love to put this shop on my land but I along with my brothers Dad and father in law can pretty much handle the labor…if that is something you can let me know Id greatly appreciate it…Thanks

    1. Hi Matt
      Thanks for the compliment of the building design. To give you an accurate quote we will need some very basic information from you, mainly your site location due to regional price differences. A building designer will be contacting you via email to gather this information and ask any other pertinent questions.
      Pole Barn Guru


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