Dektite Pipe Flashing

A frequent question, especially in the case of residential and commercial applications, is how to put pipes and chimneys through steel roofs.

Dektite® Pipe Flashing is the original flexible pipe flashing system designed to seal hot or cold flues and pipes on metal roofs. With a tough weather tight seal and a strong flexible base, Dektite® is the all-in-one flashing.

They have a flexible, corrosion resistant aluminum base which conforms to the ribs of the steel roofing. They will not crack or break.

Two types of product are available – the gray EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) rubber good for temperatures of -65 to +250 degrees Fahrenheit or red silicone for temperatures of -40 to +350 degrees.

They can be used on pipes with outside diameters as small as ¼ inch, to as large as 18 inches. Clear markings, on the flashing, accommodate a custom fit for each job.

Twenty plus years ago, I inherited my grandparent’s lake cabin. I decided to update and renovate the then 80 year old cabin, so it could be lived in year around. As part of the renovation, a new steel roof was put on.

Having not having used Dektite® before, I was a bit skeptical about their ability to flash and seal over the ribs of the Metal Sales Pro Panel II steel roofing. After all these years, they have performed admirably, never having leaked a drop.

Several years ago we upgraded my wife’s former home from the old asphalt shingles to new American Building Components Imperial Rib steel roofing, Dektite® again became the flashing of choice around all of the vent pipes and flues. Everything sealed up quickly, easily, and with no leaks. Even those most skeptical (her grown sons assisting with the renovation) were impressed.

Reasonably priced and quick to install, this is a product I can endorse from personal experience.

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