Shipping Pole Barns Across America

Guest Blog today by Eric Graff, owner of Hansen Buildings~

Shipping Pole BarnsEvery day Hansen Buildings is hard at work coordinating the deliveries of multiple pole buildings to different site locations across the US. With over 3,000 individual pieces involved in an average size pole barn, this is not an easy feat. Curious how this works? I thought you would never ask.

If location, location, location is the key to real estate then communication, communication, communication is the key to shipping pole barns.  Shipping an entire building to a remote jobsite that arrives in multiple deliveries all on approximately the same week is a tough task. At the head of our material delivery department is Justine. She works directly with every single customer who purchases a pole building kit from Hansen Buildings. It is her job to ensure you receive all necessary components on time and in the proper condition and quantity.

With a typical Hansen Building order you will have at a minimum three shipments – lumber and trusses, hardware/entry doors and steel deliveries. Depending on the complexity of a custom building this can be up to six deliveries in rare cases. Do not expect this all to arrive at one time on one very large truck. These shipments arrive on a variety of semi trucks and trailers.

Steel trucks are the largest and you can expect them to be up to 70’ in length. When I asked Justine how customers can best prepare for upcoming deliveries she says, “Ensure all of your contact info is correct including a contact that is able to take phone calls as deliveries are arriving. You must also have a site that is easily accessible to large trucks with a marked location for where they would like it offloaded. When in doubt…ask questions!”  As you can see from her response – clearly communication is the key here. The more accessible and updated you are on the status of your deliveries the smoother you can expect the outcome.

Hansen Buildings stays in constant contact with all customers in a variety of methods. We provide a series of emails immediately after you purchase which explains your individual online customer login is the best source of information regarding your project. Once logged in you can view estimated delivery dates of materials as they are scheduled, a detailed material list of all materials included, the current status of your project and view important documents like your invoice, custom drafted plans and detailed construction guide.  We also provide online photos of your materials as they leave our warehouse, along with tracking so that you can ensure the shipment arrives in the same condition as it left.

Next best method to ask material or delivery related questions would be emailing our material delivery department directly at You can expect a response within 24 business hours. If you have an urgent question or matter you can call directly at 866-200-9657.

In the rare event that you experience missing or damaged items this can also be reported online through your customer login. We do not intentionally short ship or send damaged items. Damage can occur in transit. Hansen Buildings does have a strict 48 hour policy that you must inventory and report any material discrepancies within this time. This policy is in place for your protection. Do not make the mistake of deciding not to inventory and expect that a damaged item will be replaced weeks or months after delivery. If you do notice any sort of damage as materials arrive document it thoroughly on delivery receipts and if possible take photos right away. This will ensure replacement at the soonest possible time.

Hansen Buildings is constantly watching many pole barn kits deliver across the US (including Hawaii and Alaska!) at the same time and following up with customers to ensure the deliveries go off without a hitch. We work very hard to provide: Your Building. Your Way

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