Not Burger King Crowns

My readers will recognize my 19-year-old son Brent’s name from recent articles on the construction of a pole building storage building here in Browns Valley.

After two weeks of working together, I have learned something important (yes, 56 year old Dads can learn new things).

Growing up, my brother Mark and I worked for Dad and our Uncles. Other cousins were also participants – my Uncle Lyle’s son Kim; Uncle Gil’s son Scott and Uncle Dave’s son Randy. It wasn’t until now the real feelings of bonding between father and son were recognized by me in us being able to build and create together. As a teenager, I didn’t have the ability to appreciate what this meant to my father. My Uncle Gil is the last surviving member of his generation whom I worked for (and with) – so I hope to be able to pass along some appreciation to him.

Back on track – Day Numero Uno on the job for Brent involved putting roof purlins into place. I’d previously cut them all to length and had put an upward pointing arrow on each one, to indicate which side of the board was to be placed up.

Several years ago I had written an article on crowns in lumber:

Pole Barn Guru BlogGuessing my son had not read the particular article, I set about explaining crowns to my son. Brent’s prior experience with crowns was most likely going to Burger King®. Back in the day The Burger King™ was maybe not such a frightening character to youngsters, and the paper Burger King crowns seemed to miraculously grow upon the head of any youngster whose parents drug them in the door.

We sighted down a few pieces of lumber together, and Brent quickly caught the gist of what to be looking at.

Before the building began, I had predicted to one of my co-workers at least one of the purlins would be placed with the arrow pointed down instead of up.

Good thing I am not a betting man…..I haven’t found one yet. Brent was a quick learn!

2 thoughts on “Not Burger King Crowns

  1. I had a question on the metal flashing at runs down the sides of Paul buildings overhead doors would it be OK for that mental to be in concrete

    1. admin Post author

      No steel trims should be in contact with concrete, it will cause them to deteriorate over time, especially if exposed to water.


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