Pole Building Design

Available Space, Budget and Imagination

I’ve always said these three things – available space, budget and imagination are the only limitations when it comes to pole building design.

Available space – I’ve now been personally involved in around 16,000 pole buildings. Yes, for those who are curious, it is a lot of pole buildings. After 35 years in the industry I am still waiting for the first client to contact me after they construct their pole building and say, “My building is just too big”!

In the mid-1990s I constructed an 80 x 150 x 20’ tall pole building for one of the businesses I owned, Apex Roof Truss. I remember standing in the middle of the floor of this huge empty building, looking around and thinking, “We will never use all of this space”. Not two years later the building was filled to the ceiling and I was wishing I would have constructed a larger building!

Budget – It doesn’t matter if the building was free, if the budget is zero. Realistically create a budget of what can be spent on your new pole building(s). A great planning tool is available for FREE here: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/pole-barn-planning-guide.htm

And don’t just count available cash in hand. For those with FICO scores of 680 or better, it is possible to borrow (on approved credit) up to $45,000 with monthly payments of not much more than 1% per month of what was borrowed. For information on all available financing programs available through Hansen Pole Buildings go to: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/financing.htm

Imagination – Plenty of it to go around. We’ve had clients do some unique things with their pole building design – over 54,000 square feet under one roof; 44 feet tall; three stories; even 100 foot clear spans! How about a cantilevered deck off a second story? Dormers? Cupolas so large you can entertain 6 friends while looking out through windows 50’ above the ground?

One of the more imaginative uses appeared in an article I wrote recently: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/blog/2015/02/loafers/

What the article didn’t show was the inside, so we’ve provided a bar’s eye view with this article!


2 thoughts on “Pole Building Design

  1. Looking for an 80 x 150 pole barn to add on join existing pole barn one overhead garage door two walking doors and one window

    1. Thank you for your interest in a new Hansen Pole Building. One of our Building Designers will be reaching out to you shortly, or call 1.866.200.9657 for immediate service.


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