My Poles Are Further Apart than the Trusses Span

My Poles are Placed Farther Apart Than the Trusses Span

Reader ALURA in NORTH CAROLINA writes:

“We recently purchased a 60 x40 pole barn kit from Florida and we are in North Carolina.  We talked to them on the phone several times about the size the inner dimensions. They reassured us that yes the 40×60 was the inner dimensions. However when they arrived they are not 40 foot  they are 39 for the placement on the poles.  Now they won’t return our phone calls. Our poles are already set. Any recommendations on how to salvage the trusses to make them work ?”

Mike the Pole Building Guru Writes:

Without looking at the purchase documents of your building, the engineered plans and the engineered truss drawings I can only make suppositions and can only give you so much advice.

A word to the wise – regardless of what someone may or may not have told you, or what you may or may not have wanted to hear, the only thing which counts is what is put in writing on your Purchase Agreement. This is one of the reasons I firmly believe any Technical Support needed by a client, or answers provided in return should only be in writing, as it avoids anyone having hurt feelings.

For starters – in post frame (pole barn) lingo – the dimensions are most typically (as in nearly always 100%) one of two things – outside of column to outside of column (which is how we at Hansen Pole Buildings happen to measure our buildings), or outside of wall framing (sidewall girts).

Given this – if you set your posts 40′ in between and the engineered plans for the building show 40′ outside to outside then chances are solving this one is sadly on you. If it was me, I would pull all of the columns out on one side of the building and move them. Using a backhoe and a good chain, you should be able to remove them fairly easily – then compact the soil back into the holes, dig new holes and reset the columns properly.

In any case, it would not hurt you to discuss your challenge with the engineer who sealed your building plans, as they have the ultimate responsibility for the structural integrity of your building.


P.S. Shame also on whomever you purchased from – whether they are at fault or not, it is inexcusable to not return calls from a client. It is business practices such as this which give our industry a bad name and makes it an uphill battle for those who are credible.



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