TripAdvisor & Pole Buildings

Being on the road roughly ½ of the year, I stay in hotels. A lot.

Before booking my next room, I always try to get the latest skinny on reviews from TripAdvisor®. Once I get settled in, I also use the TripAdvisor information to help select eateries which are nearby.

I do take reviews with a “block of salt” as when things go wrong (or the perception is they have gone wrong), as some folks can be quick to criticize. Like any review website, TripAdvisor tends to gather more negative feedback then real life – people who are happy generally tend to just bask in their happiness, unlike the Negative Nellies who want to share their grief with the world. As a business, we get a few of the Negative Nellies and Neds as well.

The following raving positive feedback, was sent unsolicited to Eric, one of the Hansen Pole Buildings owners:

I have had the pleasure of working with Wayde for the last 2 months trying to figure out what building I would end up getting. Size, doors, colors, etc; so many decisions to make. I got a few quotes from other companies (got a few from Wayde too as he will attest to) and even though Hansen Pole Buildings wasn’t the least expensive we chose Wayde as he has always followed up, always been available, eager to help and has given us confidence that he will be available for the pre-sale AND the post-sale. For us, the extra service was worth the extra money, and in a world that seems to offer very little customer service and quality I was pleasantly surprised while working with Wayde and Hansen Pole Buildings.

I called Wayde this evening and ordered my 24×36 kit in Brick Red/White Trim, and cannot wait for it to arrive so I can get started. I felt it important to share with you the important role Wayde played in our decision, whatever you are paying him, it’s probably not enough. From one salesperson to another, thank you for employing quality salespeople to serve your customers!

My encouragement, whatever the product or service is which you are or have received – say, “Thank you” an extra time. Tip generously, when appropriate. And, when expectations are met or exceeded, find a place (such as TripAdvisor®) to leave positive feedback. Amazingly,  it’s often the positive feedback which fosters more improvements in service and products far more than the negative comments.

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