Hansen Buildings Designer of the Month

Hansen Buildings April 2015 Building Designer of the Month

We’re proud to announce Wayde Staiger as April’s award winner!

In Wayde’s own words:

   “My focus when working with a client is spending time finding out what is best for the them. Having a building which does not fill the need is of no value. Taking the time to work out the details is a major part of the project. Whether a consulting firm working on a 7 building municipal project or a customer looking for a horse stall and tractor storage they are all important as it does not matter how many I sell. It matters that their building is correct. 

 Many times customers will have a basic design but not really know how to explain it, by asking questions and working together we can come up with a building that works. Explaining what the customer is getting for the money is most important as the initial quote from many is just a number, with buildings sometimes paying less is paying more. Let me explain that as the best price is not always the best long or short term value. With a building it is not “What you are getting it is what you are not getting” that makes the difference in the final finished product. 

 Owning horses, Hot Rods and Motorcyles, selling RVs and boats in the past also is benefit as I can speak with customers about what is going into the building making sure stalls are correct, doors are high enough and the car lift will fit in the building.”

Hansen Buildings April projects Wayde was involved in include:

Working with a consultant on a major project for the railroad in New York State. Starting with a basic rough outline they worked together to craft seven buildings designed to meet the end user’s needs. Taking the time to work out the details was very important on this project: fine tuning the sale, finding a builder and making sure details were correct.

Another was for a customer building his dream shop. Making changes on door locations, getting the size proper not only to fit his needs but meet the property setbacks in dealing with the county. Taking the time and having patience was a big factor.

A different project was to a contractor who was building a viewing building for a horse farm. Their clients can watch horses work and perform in all kinds of weather as in western Washington the sun does not always shine.  This building required a deck and many windows on the arena side of the structure.

And lastly for a business which needed a covered area for a wash rack. This building was custom designed to set on concrete pillars so employees using fork lifts will not hit the wooden post structure.

Congratulations Wayde!

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