Pole Building Bar: A Road Runs Through It

I always appreciate unique uses for a pole building. In this particular case, the building is not even one which I had any involvement in either the design or providing of, but it IS unique.

wedding venue building kitsBack in 2005, my friends Sheri and Larry Herberholz had an idea – it involved a pole building, alcohol and lots of motorcycles and Hot Rods. This great concept became Cruisers Bar & Grill; 6105 W. Seltice Way; Stateline Village, Idaho.

What divides this pole building bar, from the hundreds of thousands of other bar and grills in America is not just it being in a pole building. This particular pole building has an overhead steel sectional garage door in each gable endwall. A paved road runs in one door and out the other, affording the ability for motorcycles and hot rods to actually drive through the bar!!

Seriously – one can ride or drive right through the middle of the bar, while the patrons are laughing, drinking, singing, and of course – watching you drive thru!

It is common to have a live band cranking out the tunes in the corner, only to be out blasted in volume by a passing through the building motorcyclist slowing down long enough to rev his engine a time or two.

From the beginning, Cruisers has been dedicated to supporting the motorcycle and hot rod community.  Riders and drivers from all walks of life and from all over the U.S. and Canada meet to enjoy a burger, some music and toss back a cold brew or two. Conversation is never lacking and many friendships are made and renewed here.

Cruisers has also supported the local communities by raising and donating thousands of dollars to various charities and worthy causes.

For the bikers who either cannot make it to Sturgis for Bike Week (or know it is not safe to ride there), Cruisers puts on “Mini Sturgis” the last weekend of July. This annual event draws over 10,000 attendees!

Whether stopping at Cruisers on Thursday Night for a $2 Azteca soft chicken taco, or for Mini Sturgis weekend remember – a pole building made it all possible.  You may not have the same ideas about your new pole building, but just remember – the sky IS the limit when it comes to what you can do with a “pole barn”.

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