Quonset Huts

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/26/2011
Quonset Huts

You may have heard them advertised on television, radio, online and in the back of Popular Mechanics. I came across a query from a gentleman from Wake Forest, NC which included, “I have found some really good deals on the local craigslist from private individuals who have bought them and never put them up for […]

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Is It Sprinkling? Benefits Of A Sprinklered Building

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/25/2011
Is It Sprinkling? Benefits Of A Sprinklered Building

Those of you who know me well are very aware I am willing to change my mind, when sufficient evidence is provided to prove a case. Recently a fair amount of brouhaha has been generated around legislation to require fire suppression sprinkler systems in new residential construction. The International Code Council (an organization of building […]

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Today’s Gambrel Barn – A Feel Good Story

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/22/2011
Today’s Gambrel Barn – A Feel Good Story

Back in the middle of March, Darlene T. made an inquiry to us about investing in a new pole barn. Now Darlene and her husband are newlyweds, having been married for just a year. Initially, she had considered a gambrel roof style, with a loft so the kids would have a place to stay when […]

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Say What? Find A Professional Contractor

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/21/2011
Say What? Find A Professional Contractor

One of the things I make myself available for is weekly individual coaching sessions with our Building Designers. In these sessions, the Building Designers can ask for advice on pole building design or features, discuss particular ongoing projects or share ideas on how to best serve our pole barn clients. Every once in a while, […]

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Cruising Forums: It’s Just a Pole Barn!

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/20/2011
Cruising Forums: It’s Just a Pole Barn!

As a voracious reader, and someone who always wants to make sure they have their finger on the “pulse” of the pole building industry, I am always scouring for information and misinformation on the ‘net. I recently read the post below. I’d like to have you read through it, and then I will give you […]

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With Recent Improvements – Less Building Technical Support

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/19/2011
With Recent Improvements – Less Building Technical Support

I am not much different than probably most of my readers, when we get to the end of the work week, it is time to kick back and relax. It was on one of these “after the work week” evenings, that I met with a few friends to indulge in our favorite beverages, grab a […]

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The Truth About Setting A Pole Building Budget

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/18/2011
The Truth About Setting A Pole Building Budget

Shhhh….somebody might hear you. We want to know what your budget is for your new pole building. You know, how much do you have set aside for the building (or are planning to borrow to pay for it)? This dollar amount should be cash on hand (which you are willing to invest into your new […]

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How Untreated Wood Decays – Pressure Treated Wood Prevents Decay

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/15/2011
How Untreated Wood Decays – Pressure Treated Wood Prevents Decay

I get asked nearly every day about the lifespan of pressure treated wood. Prior to expounding upon the virtues of pressure treatments, it would be helpful to know more about why untreated wood decays. With this information in hand we can see how current chemical treatment methods prevent wood decay. The following is excerpted from […]

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A Silly Extreme Example

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/14/2011
A Silly Extreme Example

I’m a voracious reader. A large portion of my daily reading is devoted to learning as much as I can about my industry and expanding my knowledge base. On LinkedIn, I am a member of the “Truss, Panel & Building Components” discussion group. One of the members, Gene Marcoux, from Florida, had postulated, “If we […]

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Moving Pole Buildings – Tinker Toys or Lincoln Logs

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/13/2011
Moving Pole Buildings – Tinker Toys or Lincoln Logs

“I’ve got a GREAT deal on a pole building for you. All you have to do is take it down, move it and reassemble”. Even if the price is FREE, is it a bargain or not? Let’s take a look at why this might not be such a great deal. Better check out the building […]

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What is Steel Offloading?

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/12/2011
What is Steel Offloading?

You can save some money or save some effort…… Assuming you order a building with steel roofing and/or steel siding, these materials will most usually be delivered to your building site by the steel company. The truck which will be making the delivery is what is known as a “route” truck. A route truck is […]

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Don’t Take a Fall

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/11/2011
Don’t Take a Fall

The night of July 26, 1988 will always stick in my mind. My cousin Amy called my home, to tell me my Dad had been killed in a construction accident. Dead at 57, my contractor father and his brothers had spent their entire lives working on buildings. In this case, my Dad was working with […]

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The Biggest Fear of Building Pole Barns – Setting Posts

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/08/2011
The Biggest Fear of Building Pole Barns – Setting Posts

Come on now, be honest, we all have our fears and phobias. One of the most interesting ones I have found over the years with clients is “postsetaphobia”, or fear of setting posts. This particular phobia is defined as, “the fear of being able to properly set posts for a pole building”. Fear is False […]

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Water Your Lawn, Not Your Lumber

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/07/2011
Water Your Lawn, Not Your Lumber

Lumber is considered to be dry when it reaches a moisture content of 19% or less. When below this threshold, it becomes relatively dimensionally stable.  More importantly, it is naturally resistant to mold and other fungi which will attack wood. When lumber is rained upon, or allowed to sit in mud or puddles, it can […]

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The Safe Building Codes Incentive

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/06/2011
The Safe Building Codes Incentive

Two bills which fit in nicely with the strengths of pole building construction were introduced in the House recently. They would provide federal financial incentives to strengthen buildings against major storms. The Natural Disaster Mitigation Act, H.R. 2099, introduced by Reps. Thomas Rooney (R-Fla.) and Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and  the Safe Building Codes Incentive Act, […]

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Mike the Pole Barn Guru

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/05/2011
Mike the Pole Barn Guru

Meet – Mike The Pole Barn Guru and how this name came about. We challenge you to stump Mike with a pole building question in a blog comment.

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Happy 4th of July!

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 07/04/2011
Happy 4th of July!

Steel outbuildings or barns are often a gathering point of family and friends during times of celebration. Whether your pole building is used as a place to party or for the usual toy storage, take time to enjoy your 4th this year and be safe.

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Wood is Good – Green Building Construction

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/30/2011
Wood is Good – Green Building Construction

Obama Administration says “Wood is Good” The Obama Adminstration has officially endorsed wood as a green building material. The U.S.  House and Senate passed resolutions in 2009 and 2010 acknowledging the American wood industry sustainably manages an environmentally preferable natural resource, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilscak recently announced a strategy to promote […]

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More High Wind News – Pole Buildings Can Withstand Strong Winds

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/29/2011
More High Wind News – Pole Buildings Can Withstand Strong Winds

Pole buildings can be easily designed to withstand hurricane and tornado wind loads. The article below is from www.technewsdaily.com May 26,2011 and speaks to housing design under high winds.       Redesigned Roofs Withstand High Wind Events The tornado that stormed through Joplin, Mo., on May 22 shredded an estimated 8,000 buildings and stranded […]

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Lying or Just Plain Stupid?

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/28/2011
Lying or Just Plain Stupid?

Yesterday afternoon, one of our senior building designers sent me this instant message: “So what do you do with a customer who is being sold a bill of goods by his contractor? Starting from, client was told he needed to pour footings and build with 2×6 studs because pole buildings ‘move too much’. All the way […]

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Tornado Proof: Pole Buildings Can Limit Damage

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/27/2011
Tornado Proof: Pole Buildings Can Limit Damage

Thanks to www.ocala.com May 24, 2011 for their article, “Florida Building Codes Limit Tornado Damage” While surveying tornado damage in Tuscaloosa, Ala., University of Florida researcher David O. Prevatt said he was struck by the city’s large number of old homes susceptible to storm damage. “We have to expect this sort of damage unless we […]

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Pole Barn Truss Spacing

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/24/2011
Pole Barn Truss Spacing

What do you mean they are not 2 feet apart? Back in the day (early 1990’s) I was on the National Frame Builders Association (NFBA) Board of Directors. One of my fellow board members from the Midwest wanted to take a peek at how pole barns were constructed in the West, so I invited him […]

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History of Pole Buildings: Part III Not Just Grandpa’s Barn Anymore

To wrap up the History of Pole Buildings, the following excerpt was taken from the National Frame Builder’s Association website,  www.nfba.org: Countless structures are now erected using post-frame methods, including strip malls, convenience stores, restaurants, office complexes, and many other types of retail, public, commercial and residential applications. Schools, churches, fire stations, airplane hangars, and […]

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History of Pole Buildings Part II: Who is Howard Doane?

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/22/2011
History of Pole Buildings Part II: Who is Howard Doane?

To continue with my History of Pole Buildings, the following excerpt was taken from the National Frame Builder’s Association website,  www.nfba.org: H. Howard Doane is credited with being the innovator who, in 1930, first combined the availability of poles and metal roof sheeting into a “modern” building concept. The founder of Doane’s Agricultural Service, Doane […]

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History of Pole Buildings Part I- back to the cave man!

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/21/2011
History of Pole Buildings Part I- back to the cave man!

While many old barns exist, it was not until the last century that pole barns developed, first as farm buildings. The following is excerpted from the National Frame Builder’s Association website:  www.nfba.org: The post-frame industry has grown steadily in North America, gaining more and more widespread application in the past 100 years. Yet, many people […]

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