History of Pole Buildings: Part III Not Just Grandpa’s Barn Anymore

To wrap up the History of Pole Buildings, the following excerpt was taken from the National Frame Builder’s Association website,  www.nfba.org: Countless structures are now erected using post-frame methods, including strip malls, convenience stores, restaurants, office complexes, and many other types of retail, public, commercial and residential applications. Schools, churches, fire stations, airplane hangars, and […]

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History of Pole Buildings Part II: Who is Howard Doane?

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/22/2011
History of Pole Buildings Part II: Who is Howard Doane?

To continue with my History of Pole Buildings, the following excerpt was taken from the National Frame Builder’s Association website,  www.nfba.org: H. Howard Doane is credited with being the innovator who, in 1930, first combined the availability of poles and metal roof sheeting into a “modern” building concept. The founder of Doane’s Agricultural Service, Doane […]

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History of Pole Buildings Part I- back to the cave man!

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/21/2011
History of Pole Buildings Part I- back to the cave man!

While many old barns exist, it was not until the last century that pole barns developed, first as farm buildings. The following is excerpted from the National Frame Builder’s Association website:  www.nfba.org: The post-frame industry has grown steadily in North America, gaining more and more widespread application in the past 100 years. Yet, many people […]

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The Disaster Solution

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/20/2011
The Disaster Solution

When life has been turned upside down by disaster, the building to turn to is a pole building. By the time the wreckage is cleared, your new building has been delivered. Pole buildings offer the ultimate resource when you need a building fast. With simple design meant to speed along construction pole buildings may best suite your needs in a time of emergency.

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Fastest Pole Building Ever Constructed

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/17/2011
Fastest Pole Building Ever Constructed

In the early 2000’s the worlds fastest pole barn builder envisioned the next step for the pole building industry. Complete building kits available across the country was his dream. Soon came the day Hansen Pole Buildings was born and today the Pole Barn Guru continues his quest to provide affordable building solutions that meets everyday needs.

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Evolution of The Pole Barn Guru and his Building Philosophy

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/16/2011
Evolution of The Pole Barn Guru and his Building Philosophy

In my early years, tremendous quality was not necessarily the strong point. It was the ability to offer a very reasonably priced building and deliver it quickly. My buildings were pretty much the same as everyone else I competed against. Business grew and I started being able to hire employees. Jim Betonte left the steel […]

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There’s No Education Like Real Life Business Experience

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/15/2011
There’s No Education Like Real Life Business Experience

In the summer of 1979, home interest rates began to rise. Idaho had a usury limit, home mortgages could not be written for 10% or more. When this ceiling was hit, home construction pretty much stopped in Idaho. I set out looking for other opportunities and ended up in Salem, Oregon. I was offered the position […]

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Before the Pole Barn Guru

Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 06/09/2011
Before the Pole Barn Guru

In order to best understand where one is at today, it helps to know where one has come from. Jump in the “Way Back” machine with me and travel to my roots.

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