Category Archives: Pole Building Grow House
Polycarbonate Frame, Concrete Thickness, and Insulation
Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 08/17/2022
This week the Pole Barn Guru answers reader questions about the use of a hard-sided (polycarbonate) frame, how thick a concrete pads has to be to house an RV, and insulation options for a vacation home. DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Can a pole structure be built as a hard-sided (polycarbonate) frame 20 feet wide, without […]
Read more- Categories: Columns, Insulation, Pole Barn Questions, Pole Barn Design, Pole Barn Homes, Constructing a Pole Building, RV Storage, Pole Barn Planning, Pole Building Grow House, Shouse, Ventilation, Concrete, Building Interior
- Tags: RV Storage, Rebar, Insulation, Greenhouse, Concrete Thickness, Polycarbonate
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Ideal Post Frame for Growing Cannabis
Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 11/05/2019
Today’s guest blogger is Alan Wood. Alan Wood is the founder of Weekend Gardener. He has a strong passion for plants and gardens. Alan spent his life long to research and test new techniques in this field. With the aid of his son and three other associates who aren’t just fond of but are titled […]
Read more8 Foods You Can Grow in Your Pole Building All Year
Posted by The Pole Barn Guru on 05/26/2017
A pole building grow house works a lot like a greenhouse. You control the temperature and moisture to mimic actual outdoor conditions for growing fruits and vegetables. Under the right conditions, there are foods that you can grow throughout the year – provided you monitor and maintain your indoor grow house appropriately. Try some of […]
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