Indiana Pole Buildings and Barn Kits

We’re seeing a growing rise in the popularity of pole buildings in Indiana. As more and more people discover the ease, affordability, and durability of pole buildings, they’re making the easy choice of purchasing reliable DIY pole building kits. Pole barns in Indiana can be used as residential, commercial, or agricultural buildings, making them incredibly adaptable for the unique needs of Indiana residents.

Pole buildings and pole barn kits are popular in Indiana and the other Midwestern states: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Hansen Pole Buildings has been one of the top distributors of custom pole barns throughout the Midwest, and the rest of the United States, for almost two decades. If you’re interested in building a pole barn in Indiana, you should come to us. We have a wide variety of pole barn kits for sale across Indiana, and our prices are the lowest you’ll find. We’ll even match the price of a pole barn if another Indiana company offers you a lower quote for an identical kit.

Pole Barns are in high demand in these Indiana cities:

Indiana Pole Barn Building Types

Due to their flexible designs, pole buildings can be customized to fit any specific need. The following building types are popular in the Midwestern region:

Pole Barn Homes:

For those who are interested in designing their own homes, pole barn kits are a popular solution. Pole barn homes are durable, affordable, and able to fit families both large and small.

RV Storage Buildings:

Midwesterners are known for their love of travel on the open road, but where’s your RV being stored when you’re at home? A simple, affordable RV storage building is a perfect use for a pole barn kit.

Workshop Buildings:

Hoosiers are known for their industrious nature, which is why workshop buildings are in high demand around the state. Whether you’re engaging in small personal projects or large commercial operations, pole barn workshop buildings can support your interests.

Agricultural Buildings:

The agricultural industry is thriving in Indiana, and pole buildings are fantastic for all kinds of purposes: storing supplies and equipment, sheltering animals, growing plants in a greenhouse, and more.

Hansen Pole Buildings Guesthouse

Pole Barn Homes

RV Storage Buildings

RV Storage Building

Man cave - interior view

Workshop Buildings

Pole Barn Garage

Garage Buildings

Build the Pole Barn Home of Your Dreams

Looking to build a pole barn in Indiana? Browse through the lists below for a look at everything you can do with a DIY pole building kit.

Residential Pole Barns

Agricultural Pole Barns

Commercial Pole Barns

Find the Best Pole Barn Builders in Indiana

All of our pole building kits are designed to be DIY projects, and they come with step-by-step instructions that allow even the most unskilled builder to construct their own building. That said, not everyone wants to build their own pole barn. There are other options for getting your pole building constructed.

Build It Yourself

Post-frame construction is simple even for those without any building experience, and we include step-by-step instructions to make it even easier for DIYers. The reward? Immense satisfaction and thousands of dollars saved on building costs. If you run into any issues anyway, we’re here to assist you.

Indiana Construction Companies

Professional construction companies don’t exclusively work on major commercial or government projects. You can enlist the help of an Indiana construction firm for pole barn construction as well.

Pole Barn Contractors in Indiana

Hansen Pole Buildings keeps a directory of builders and contractors that can help you construct your pole barn. Although these contractors don’t work directly for our company, they have been vetted for quality. If you know of a reliable builder in your area, we suggest hiring someone you know and trust. However, if you need help finding pole barn contractors in Indiana, call our office and we can assist you.

Pole Building and Pole Barn Pricing

Indiana pole barn prices vary depending on the size of the building you choose and the kinds of customizations you request. Our pole building kit designs come in three general sizes:

Small Pole Barn Prices

Small, compact pole barns are great for residential sheds, single carports, or small garages. Exact prices will depend on the complexity of your design. The most popular types of small pole barns in Indiana are:

Medium Pole Barn Prices

If you’re looking for a little extra storage space, consider a medium-sized pole building. They’re perfect for multi-car storage, agricultural barns, and small workshops. The price of a medium-sized pole building will be adjusted based on design add-ons and complexity. Consider these types of medium pole buildings in Indiana:

Large Pole Barn Prices

For large projects or a whole lotta storage, a large pole building is a must. Durable and versatile, these large structures remain affordable and can be used for both residential and commercial purposes. Some large pole buildings you may see in Indiana include:

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Pole Barn Kits Also Available in These Regions

Looking for pole barn kits for sale outside of Indiana? Our pole building kits are available all over the United States, including:

  • Northeast Region:
    There’s still room for new buildings in New England and beyond. Let Hansen Pole Buildings provide the materials.
  • Southeast Region:
    You can’t have Southern hospitality without somewhere to welcome someone. Build your next home or business out of a pole barn kit.
  • Southwest Region:
    Need a home on the range—or a garage, workshop, horse barn, or retail space? Hansen Pole Buildings has you covered.
  • Western Region:
    Build something special on your own piece of the Pacific coastline with a pole barn kit from Hansen.

Get Started Today

Whether you need a pole barn kit delivered to Indianapolis you can trust Hansen Pole for the most durable pole barns in Indiana listed at the best price. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have – simply give us a ring at 866-200-9657 to speak with a pole barn expert today.

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