Tag Archives: 502c organizations

Paying It Forward: 1 Day Ranch

As many of you readers know, Hansen Pole Buildings has a policy of assisting 501(c) (3) organizations.

If you are not aware, here is an earlier post which explains how we can assist:


Most of North America was touched by the tragic tornados which devastated the Moore, OK area earlier this year.

Companies such as The Home Depot in Moore, went above and beyond the call to assist the non-human friends in the wake of this disaster: https://twitchy.com/2013/05/21/awesome-home-depot-in-moore-okla-opens-doors-to-lost-and-injured-pets-vine-videos/

We recently received this request for aid in the Moore area:

“Hi, My name is Maeghan Hadley, I run 1 Day Ranch, A rescue and rehab center for horses. We also have a Therapeutic riding center for children with autism and developmental delays. We are located in Bethel Acres, Oklahoma.  The tornado that hit here destroyed our horse barn. You might have seen us this past week on News Channel 4 in Oklahoma! Here is the link to the story… https://kfor.com/2013/09/11/pay-it-4ward-animal-lover-has-string-of-bad-luck/

We are in desperate need of getting a new stall barn up before winter. Otherwise, we are going to have to completely shut down the rescue. We have some horses that will not be able to survive the winter without legitimate shelter and we are getting to a point of desperation. We are fundraising trying to get money to be able to build but it is slow going and I am very worried that we will not be able to raise the funds in time.

I am reaching out to all the barn building companies that I can find in the area and pleading for help to build the new barn. I do have a crew of construction workers who have said they would be willing to come out and help build the new barn, but so far we still don’t have any materials donated.

If your company was willing to donate a barn, materials for the barn, or even some of the materials you would receive a very large tax deduction not to mention a huge amount of positive PR and free publicity. News Channel 4 is going to be following our progress and doing stories about the project as we progress and have already agreed to feature any companies who have been kind enough to help us.

If you would like to read more about 1 Day Ranch and what we do please go to our website at 1dayranch.com. You can read the entire story about our barn, and see where we are on our fundraising from there as well.

Thank you so much for your time. We are desperate right now but I know that if we can get a little bit of help then we will be able to get through this…”

We’ve reached out and offered to assist with the design of the new barn, as well as reduced priced materials. In the event you feel touched by this story, and feel inclined to help: https://www.gofundme.com/1dayranch