Tag Archives: 84 Lumber

Your Pole Building Price is Higher

Your Package is a Considerable Amount More!

“I like your package a lot but it seems to be a considerable amount more than my other quotes. I have attached the one I received from 84 Lumber. A couple of things are a little different but the bottom line is considerably less. Please let me know what your thoughts are.”

Well, my thoughts are I will apply a similar logic to buying a new car.

I find a Porsche I really like and get the dealer to give me a quote. It has all of the options I really like and might just be the ideal car. I go next to the Chevrolet dealer. They have a car the same size, with the same number of doors and it is a lot less expensive than the Porsche.

Now do I really suppose the Porsche dealer will sell me the car I really want, for the price of the Chevy?

When assisting clients, I often ask for permission to design for them, what I would consider their ideal dream building, based upon the information they have provided. After all, they only get to do this once, it is far better to spend just a little more to get the building they really want for size and features, than to be dissatisfied with the choice, forever.

This particular client was looking for a building which he could climate control – wire, insulate and sheetrock the interior. My quote had the building set up so it was “drywall ready” as well as including Building Wrap, between the wall framing and the sidewall steel.

Here are a few words about climate controlled pole buildings: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2012/04/climate-controlled/

The “a couple things are a little different”  in the pole building price quote meant the building was not ready for wiring, insulation and drywall. No Building wrap. Even the overhead doors were uninsulated!

My thoughts are if you are not going to insulate your building ever, something like this might work.

Here is an interesting article you may want to read: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2015/05/84-lumber/

There are going to be some items which we just can’t “dummy down” to match the 84 Lumber features:

Our entry doors are going to be commercial grade with steel jambs and are all factory finish painted. These doors are several hundred dollars more than the unpainted wood jamb doors (which are typically only primed) from 84 Lumber.

Their pole building price quote does not state if steel is even fastened with screws (could be nailed on) and we furnish ONLY powder coated screws. (Read more on these here: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2014/01/powder-coated-screws/)

The reflective insulation we provide has a tab on one edge with an adhesive pull strip – no worries about having to tape all of the seams together.

Oh, by the way, our Chevy was not only higher quality, it had a better price!

Pole Building Technical Support

“With a Little Help from My Friends” was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney and released on the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967. It was written for and sung by the Beatles’ drummer Ringo Starr as the character “Billy Spears”.

Several years ago, we provided pole building kit packages through the lumber yard chain 84® Lumber. Besides Hansen Pole Buildings providing packages, some of the individual 84® Lumber locations put together and sold their own kit packages. There was plenty of business to go around but trying to convince some of the 84® Lumber sales staff of how easy we could make their lives by letting us handle the work for them, sometimes required a lot of effort on our part.

Now, astute readers, you may be seeing where this is going – where one chain (in this case 84® Lumber) is doing things two diversely different ways.

Frankly, one or more of the 84® Lumber sales people had very little clue as to what it was they were selling (when they did it on their own) and even less of an idea as to how to offer pole building technical support when their customers couldn’t figure out how to put things together. With limitations on the plans they were able to provide, and no assembly instructions, some of the 84® Lumber team were in over their heads.

A few of the folks who had invested in the 84® Lumber version of a pole building connected us with 84® Lumber (it may have had something to do with our brochures on the 84® Lumber sales counters), and began contacting our Technical Support Department for assistance with pole building assembly. Although we had no financial benefit from doing so, we did what we felt was the right thing and gave as much technical support as we possibly could. This was outside of the fact we had no idea as to what had actually been supplied by 84® Lumber.

Although it has been years since we supplied pole building kits through 84® Lumber, the spirit of assisting anyone with pole building questions of any sort still exists here at Hansen Pole Buildings. My philosophy has always been to help others, because it’s “just the right thing to do”.

Have a question, need technical support for constructing your new pole building? All you need to do is ask to get a little help from your friends: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/ask-the-pole-barn-guru.php

Grade Stamps

Walk into your local lumber dealer – whether a big box store (aka The Home Depot® or Lowe’s®), a national lumber dealer (think ProBuild®, Stock Building Supply®, or 84 Lumber®) or the local mom and pop lumber seller and pickup any piece of dimensional lumber.

On it will be a grade stamp – which is a voluntary standard of marking each piece of lumber to assist the consumer in identifying the moisture content, product grade, species or species grouping, the accredited agency under who’s authority the lumber was graded, as well as a unique mill number identifier or the name of the sawmill which produced the lumber.

One of my son Brent’s first days of working with me involved placing Simpson Strong-Tie® joist hangers on rafters. The rafters were different colored wood – Brent noticed the difference between the darker, more reddish hue of the Douglas Fir rafters as opposed to the whiter color of the ones which were HemFir. I explained to him what the information on the lumber grade stamps was, including the indication of the species of lumber.

The “big giant head” for lumber grading starts with the ALSC (American Lumber Standard Committee, Inc. www.alsc.org).

The ALSC, is a non-profit organization comprised of manufacturers, distributors, users, and consumers of lumber. It serves as the standing committee for the American Softwood Lumber Standard (Voluntary Product Standard 20) and in accordance with PS 20, administers an accreditation program for the grade marking of lumber produced under the system.  This system, the American Lumber Standard (ALS) system, is an integral part of the lumber industry’s economy and is the basis for the sale and purchase of virtually all softwood lumber traded in North America.  The ALS system also provides the basis for acceptance of lumber and design values for lumber by the building codes throughout the United States.

As noted above, a function of the ALSC is to maintain the American Softwood Lumber Standard.  The ALSC in accordance with the Procedures for the Development of Voluntary Product Standards of the U.S. Department of Commerce and through a consensus process establishes sizes, green/dry relationships, inspection provisions, grade marking requirements and the policies and enforcement regulations for the accreditation program.  The ALS system as a whole is set up to give manufacturers, distributors, users and consumers a mechanism to formulate and implement the Standard under which softwood lumber is produced and specified.  Participation of each segment of the industry is an integral part of the program and provides the industry with a direct voice in the standardization and accreditation program as it evolves into the twenty-first century.

In the case of Brent’s rafters, the Douglas Fir ones were marked with the WWP® logo of the Western Wood Products Association (www.wwpa.org) which is the largest association of lumber manufacturers in the United States. The Douglas Fir ones were marked with a mill number to indicate the producer, however the others were produced by Idaho Timber (www.IdahoTimber.com).

The rafters happened to be graded as Select Structural (SelStr), which indicates a relatively smaller group of allowable defects than the more commonly seen framing material, which is normally graded as #2.

For a brief overview of allowable defects in lumber, please read more at: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/blog/2013/12/lumber-defects/

The species of lumber was how Brent and I originally got into the discussion of grade stamps. It was indicated by the DFir and HemFir designations on the rafters.

All of the framing lumber used on this building (as well as all Hansen Pole Buildings) is seasoned to a moisture content of no greater than 19% at time of surfacing, which was indicated by the “KD” on the grade stamps.

Lots of information contained in a little stamp – but as Brent’s older sister Allison says, “My Dad knows more worthless trivia than anyone”.