Tag Archives: climactic conditions

I’d Rather Order My New Pole Building Myself

We humans want to do things ourselves. We love GPS because it keeps us from having to ask strangers for help or admitting we are lost.

I admit to, at one time in my life, being an extremist at “doing it myself”.

Then I learned….. by listening to experts I could learn so much faster.

Consider me – I’ve either personally made more mistakes or been a party to helping people fix theirs, than most can even begin to imagine.

Why should you repeat these sins?

Answer: You do not have to. Here is a case in point real life story thanks to reader ARNOLD:

“It would be really neat if when filling out information your page a potential customer could get the information without having to give name, email, and what all else.  Kind of a pain in the rear if you know what I mean.


Mike the Pole Barn Guru writes:

Thank you very much for your input. Certainly we could have our system set up so you could go online and actually even order a building, without ever having to talk to anyone. Think of it similar to be able to custom produce a massive set of somewhat Lego® like pieces online and have them delivered. We could do it……

And chances are you would end up regretting your decision forever.

Our system would allow you to make changes in climactic design. This could result in you not having a building meeting Building Code loadings. Worst case scenarios being you would either not be allowed to build, or (in jurisdictions with no plan reviews and field inspections) your building could fail and injure or kill someone. Decrease snow and/or wind loads or chose B for wind exposure instead of C could result in both savings as well as collapses. Your building department would also reject your plans…or even worse, your building, once you had constructed it. Planning on “doing it yourself” and not ever contacting your building department? In one word: Don’t!!! I’ve seen far too many customers snagged on their buildings after they were built. Worse case, the building department made them tear it down.

About Hansen BuildingsFace it, we humans are dimensionally challenged. Even though we have an idea a basketball hoop will be at 10 feet, we think our car needs a door this height. We want to make certain you design a building with adequate spaces for your activities. This includes properly sized doors, properly spaced, to actually allow prized possessions in or out without damage to your building or something treasured.

Our having you interact with a real live person has a goal of keeping you (as much as possible) from making crucial design errors causing you to hate your pole building forever. One of those mistakes would be us allowing you, as a serious future building owner, to order a post frame building from someone else. We firmly believe we have the absolute best value in a complete, engineered post frame building kit package – enough so we offer to go comparative shop for any client prepared to invest in a building. Call 866-200-9657 and ask us about this service. It’s free!

The Safe Building Codes Incentive

Two bills which fit in nicely with the strengths of pole building construction were introduced in the House recently. They would provide federal financial incentives to strengthen buildings against major storms.

The Natural Disaster Mitigation Act, H.R. 2099, introduced by Reps. Thomas Rooney (R-Fla.) and Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and  the Safe Building Codes Incentive Act, H.R. 2069,  introduced by Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.), Albio Sires (D-N.J.) and Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.).

The Rooney/Thompson bill is being strongly supported by the Reinsurance Association of America, the Heartland Institute, the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers, and the Smarter Safer Coalition. Officials of the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America also voiced support.

Frank Nutter, president of the Reinsurance Association of America, calls the Rooney/Thompson bill “fiscally and socially responsible because it is focused on prevention in those regions of the country at greatest risk to catastrophic events.”

Brad Kading, president of the Association of Insurers and Reinsurers, said the “best role for the government is to encourage citizens to protect their property against damage from natural catastrophes. One dollar spent today will save four dollars in future repair costs.”

He adds, “The worst role for the government is to subsidize annual insurance costs. The one-time investment in mitigation protects both people and property and prevents unwise incentives that increase risk and put families in harms’ way.”

Pole buildings can easily and affordably be designed to withstand virtually any climactic conditions. Far too often, buildings are allowed to be constructed, “the way we’ve always done them”, rather than having each component and connection undergo a rigorous engineering examination to confirm design criteria are met.

“The Safe Building Codes Incentive Act represents a major positive step toward the goal of properly preparing this country for major natural disasters through the construction of stronger buildings,” says Matt Gannon, assistant vice president of federal affairs for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies.