Tag Archives: commercial development

Five Reasons to Choose a Pre-Engineered Post Frame Building

Gambrel BarnUndertaking a commercial building development is a big step for many businesses and it’s an investment which shouldn’t be taken lightly by any means. Unfortunately, too many commercial developments are rushed into for one reason or another—time constraints force the project ahead and before you know it, you’re left with a project coming in overtime and beyond budget.

This doesn’t always have to be the case, however, and looking into the benefits pre-engineered post frame buildings can provide may drastically change the way you approach your next commercial development. Take a look at five reasons why a prefab post frame building is always a good option to consider:

  1. Lower cost: Because they’re prefabricated and ready to build on site when the parts and pieces arrive, pre-engineered post frame buildings cost exponentially less than traditional developments. When you consider the costs of various materials you’ll need to buy for a traditional building, as well as the various contractors you’ll need to hire to make everything come together, the cost for a prefab post frame building is significantly lower.
  2. Quicker assembly: Again, because everything is created and shipped right to the building site, there’s no need for extended build times or building setbacks based on different stages of a development—prefab post frame buildings can be assembled much quicker and more accurately, with virtually no setbacks to worry about!
  3. Time tested: One thing many people forget to consider when developing commercial is building maintenance costs. With pre-engineered post frame buildings, there’s minimal building maintenance thanks to the resilient structure of the building itself. You’ll spend less money throughout the duration of the life of the building and be able to apply those savings to your next development!
  4. Aesthetics: For many commercial buildings, the look of the façade is enough to bring traffic in or push it away. When it comes to post frame buildings, the façade you’ll be working behind is one which is appealing, easily maintained and highly alluring to potential business outside. You’ll be able to project a quality business through your quality aesthetic.
  5. Customization: Customization is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of investing in a post frame building for your commercial application. Whether you’re a veterinarian or an insurance office, a coffee shop or a salon, you’ll be able to customize your building to fit the needs of your business with no impact on the development time! The possibilities are literally limitless!

Rather than finding yourself at the end of a very short timeline, with costs mounting and your mind spinning around the commercial development in front of you, consider all of the advantages pre-engineered post frame buildings have to offer. Whether this is your very first commercial development or the next in a series of growth for you, knowing your options and considering them fully is always in your best interest.