Tag Archives: disassembling a pole building

eHow.com and Pole Buildings

eHow.com: Discover the expert in you

Or at least how eHow.com promotes itself on the ‘net.

From the eHow.com website:

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I’ve personally read numerous articles on eHow.com, covering a myriad of possible subjects. Some of the articles were actually informative and helpful enough to have allowed me to solve problems.

When it comes to pole buildings, frankly I would not rely upon eHow.com as being a source for solid information.

A case in point:

The eHow.com article, “How to Take Apart & Relocate a Pole Barn

“Disassembling a pole barn and relocating to a new site is usually safer and more cost-effective than attempting to move an intact barn or build an entirely new barn. When care is used, many parts of a pole barn are able to be used in reconstruction in another location. Although old posts must be cut off at ground level rather than uprooted and relocated, existing piers may be joined to new posts with braces that ensure a strong structure and in some cases even extend the life of the pole barn.”

Sadly there are going to be people who will actually believe any of this and take it to be true!

Let’s examine the facts…..

If the existing building is not nearly brand new, it probably does not meet current Building Codes (they change every three years, sometimes with dramatic consequences) and will need to be upgraded to meet today’s standards.

Moving the building from one jurisdiction to another? If so, the design snow, wind and seismic loads may be different at the new site than the old one. In some jurisdictions even a move of a few blocks can mean drastic changes in loads.

Any of these can pose undue challenges as well as extra costs in having to hire a RDP (Registered Design Professional – architect or engineer) to solve the problems of becoming compliant.

Safety – I am at a complete loss as to how the disassembly and handling of used materials could ever be safer than using brand new. No matter how much caution is used, pieces are going to be damaged. Sometimes the damage is going to be hidden – which could result in the failure of a member with someone on top of it (or underneath it!)

Cost – while there are some people who are willing to give away an old building to anyone who will haul it away, most people believe there is a value to their existing building (after all, it is less expensive than purchasing a brand new kit – right?). Even if I was going to give you an existing building – I’m going to require you to provide me with proof of insurance coverage while you take it apart. Contact an agent, insurance is not free.

Generally the labor to construct a new pole building is equal to about 50% of the cost of materials (some states are higher due to registration and insurance costs). It will cost every bit as much to disassemble – plus the costs of loading on and offloading from a suitable truck, trailer or both.

Cutoff the old columns at the ground?

Holes can be dug at the new site, backfilled with premix concrete and engineered brackets placed in each one to accept the columns from the old building. The quantity of concrete required, as well as the brackets – are not free.

eHow.com is a great resource for many things…..pole buildings, not so much.