Tag Archives: Flood insurance

Most Read Pole Building Blogs

A Baker’s Dozen – The Most Read Articles of 2013

Sometimes, in order to know where to go, it is helpful to see where we’ve been. These are the most read blogs from 2013.

#13 Board and Batten Siding


While popular, board and batten siding should be installed considering shear values. Advice on installing board and batten siding for structural integrity.

#12 Building Department Checklist Part I  


The 14 most important questions on your Building Department Checklist to ask while planning a new building. Pole buildings ascribe to local building codes, making them a solid and safe construction choice.

#11 Repainting Steel Building Panels  


Repainting steel building panels can be labor intensive. Done right, results are favorable with cost savings. Tips on how to prepare steel panels for repainting.

#10 Steel Roofing: This Lap isn’t Dancing


Repainting steel building panels can be labor intensive. Done right, results are favorable with cost savings. Tips on how to prepare steel panels for repainting.

#9 Pole Barn or Block Foundation?


The merits of typical pole barn foundation design versus block foundation. Concrete costs plus connection stability and longevity favor pole barn foundation design.

#8 Mike’s Roof Rules


My top rules for designing the roof of your new pole building. Tips to keep a roof leak free while withstanding years of abuse.

#7 Zip Up Ceiling


Fast and easy to install, Zip up Ceiling is an aesthetically pleasing new ceiling choice for a pole building. Discover a grid-free, mold and mildew resistant alternative to drywall.

#6 Tico and 10d Common Nails


Choosing the right diameter and length nails is an important part of constructing a new building. Tico nails no longer exist, but 10d common nails in 1-1/2″ and 3″ are good standards.

#5 Poplar, not Popular  


The use of yellow poplar for board and batten siding on pole barns. Discover why “new” poplar is not decay and disease resistant like poplar from days of old.

#4 What does 2×6 Lumber Weigh?


Calculating the weight of 2×6 lumber is important when dead loads are applied to purlins attached to roof trusses. How many 2×6’s can a person carry on a jobsite?

#3 Pink 2×4 Studs  


Painting 2×4 studs a light magenta color began as a marketing ploy. Pink 2×4 studs brought increased sales and possibly subliminal breast cancer awareness.

#2 Pole Building Bar: A Road Runs Through It  


Cruisers Bar in Stateline, Idaho shows the originality and functionality of a pole building bar designed for motorcyclists to literally drive through.

And the MOST READ article of 2013:

Pole Barn Flood Insurance  

Pole barn flood insurance should be included in a pole building checklist prior to construction. A Flood Elevation Certificate must be obtained to qualify for flood insurance.

Pole Barn Flood Insurance

The Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 requires flood insurance to be purchased for properties in SFHA (Special Flood Hazard Areas) prior to the owners receiving any type of direct or indirect federal financing assistance. According to the insurance industry, the term “improved real estate” would be defined as a building with walls and a roof. In the event a pole barn would be a roof only structure, it would not classify as being improved real estate, and as such, would not qualify to be covered by pole barn flood insurance. The flip side of this is – a roof only pole building would be hard pressed to be damaged by flood waters, unless the flood was deep enough to reach the roof system of the pole barn. Apparently there were guidelines written in 2007, which excluded pole barns, except if they meet the definition of a building. In my mind (as well as the minds of the writers of the Building Codes), a roof supported by poles constitutes a building.  However, the insurance industry has its own ideas. Put two or more rigid walls on the sides of the roof only “non-building” and it does become a building and is subject to the flood insurance requirement. Besides the requirement for two walls and a roof, the pole barn must be affixed to a permanent site. To digress for a second – here is an interesting thought….an all steel building can be unbolted from its piers relatively easily.  So, using the same definitions, it may not be flood insurable. A Flood Elevation Certificate must also be obtained. It is a document which is generated by a licensed land surveyor, registered professional engineer or architect who is licensed by the appropriate state to perform such functions. This data is provided to help properly rate properties for flood insurance. An Elevation Certificate can determine where precisely a structure is located in relationship to the Base Flood Elevation. The Flood Elevation Certificate is a tool FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) uses to certify building elevations, if a building is located in a SFHA. In my humble opinion, building within a SFHA would not be prudent.  However, if one must, it is best done with taking all of the necessary precautions to avoid negative financial outcomes in the event of a disaster. Prior to building, it might be worth your while to check with your insurance agent on pole barn flood insurance.