Tag Archives: floor truss

NEW Hansen Pole Buildings’ Floor Systems

NEW Hansen Pole Buildings’ Floor Systems

I admit to having become easily enamored, early in my prefabricated wood truss career, by floor trusses. To me, they were not only things of beauty, but also made framing a very quick process.

But, I had been exposed to them even before then. My 16th summer, I spent framing (with my father and his brothers) two commercial medical professionals buildings, with a courtyard between each side. Both buildings were 50 feet in width and used floor trusses! Yes, they were very deep (somewhere around five feet), as they were designed to carry not only office live loads, but also an inch and a half of lightweight concrete.

Other than my own personal barndominium (more like a shop/house), with its 48 foot floor trusses, Hansen Pole Buildings rarely had buildings engineered utilizing floor trusses.

Most raised wood floors – whether over crawl spaces, for second or third floors, or lofts and mezzanines, were based upon using interior columns, beams and dimensional lumber floor joists. Beams often ended up being LVLs (Laminated Veneer Lumber), not only costly, but also heavy to work with. While this system was overall cost effective from a material’s stand point, it involved a plethora of pieces to have to move, cut and put into place.

As we began providing more and more fully engineered post frame homes, our clients looked to us to design systems where utilities (HVAC and plumbing) did not hang down below floor systems. Also important, was having a constant ceiling height, without need to finish around beams and floor joists, not equal in depth dimension.

Prefabricated wood floor trusses were an apt decision. They easily out span dimensional lumber or I-joists and due to their open webs, holes do not need to be strategically placed for plumbing and electrical. Until pre-COVID, they generally made for a quite affordable floor. With larger spans, came greater loads at floor truss ends, resulting in more use of LVLs, so it was not a perfect system.

When you read my recent article about prefabricated wood roof trusses, well – floor trusses experienced similar availability and pricing challenges.

No different than us now fabricating roof trusses, floor trusses have been added to our tool belt. We found, by producing ourselves, we could cut prices by half or, in some instances, 2/3rds or more! Back to being an affordable option.

Moreover, having invested heavily into very high grade materials, we are able to span farther, with less depth required. For residential loads, with typical L/360 deflection limitations, clearspans work out to be about one and a half times (in feet) what floor truss depths are (in inches). A 24 inch deep floor truss, can span approximately 36 feet. We have run engineered designs up to 48 foot spans and have this information incorporated into our proprietary Instant Pricing system. Should greater lengths be needed – we can accommodate, at least up to 60 feet!

Other benefits are, we no longer are forced into a situation where our only design solution for support of floor truss ends is LVLs. We can either utilize our ultra high grade MSR lumber, or provide prefabricated wood truss “beams”.

Looking at a multilevel post frame building? Our engineered floor systems are your answer – reliably strong, cost effective and quick to install.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention….looking for a column supported floor system (especially practical over crawl spaces)?

We have even made it easy to quickly identify lumber to be used as floor joists – one end will arrive spray painted ORANGE. If you (or your erector) need to trim a board, please trim unpainted end, as this makes it easy for you (if you hired a builder) or an inspector, to quickly identify wood as being properly utilized!

Call 1.866.200.9657 TODAY to participate in “The Ultimate Post-Frame Building Experience”. And, don’t forget to watch for our next article!

Hurricane Straps, a Loft Floor Truss, and Site Specific Engineering

This Wednesday, the Pole Barn Guru answers reader questions about use of hurricane straps to anchor 8×8 posts to sill plate, the possibility of adding a beam to old a loft for open concept, and if we do site specific engineering for Panama City Florida- yes.

DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Hey I’m on the starting process of building a barn and wanted to ask your opinion on something. The barn I’m building is a 40x60x16 on a 2ft block wall. My question is what is the strongest way to attach my 8×8 post to my sill plate? I’ve looked at many others and it looks like they just “toenailed” the post into the sill plate but I had thought about using these hurricane straps instead…. What do you think?

DEAR RICKY: Pour wet set brackets into the top of your block walls, like these: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2019/05/sturdi-wall-plus-concrete-brackets/


DEAR POLE BARN GURU: How can I have a 26 foot span 12 feet off the wall with no poles underneath for an open kitchen areas like this? DOUG in TERRE HAUTE


DEAR DOUG: You can run an LVL beam from wall-to-wall or use prefabricated wood floor trusses. Your building’s engineer will need to adjust diameter and depth of footings under columns appropriately. For extended reading on floor trusses: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2020/01/floor-trusses-for-barndominiums/


DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Do you do site-specific engineered plans for Panama City Florida? I’m trying to find someone to do our plans, quote them, and erect the building so that we can GC the rest ourselves. Can you help? Do I just tell you what I’m looking for to get a quote or how does it work? BRITTANY in PANAMA CITY


DEAR BRITTANY: Every building Hansen Pole Buildings provides comes with site specific engineered structural plans and verifying calculations. We are not, however, contractors, so the great majority of our clients erect their own building shells following our detailed step-by-step instructions. We would appreciate the opportunity to participate in your new home. Please email your building floor plans and elevation drawings (even if rough or just photos), site address and best contact number to our Design Studio Manager Caleb@HansenPoleBuildings.com 1(866)200-9657 Thank you.