Tag Archives: indoor archery range

Indoor Archery Ranges

Yes – my readers appear to love my ‘true confessions’ and are kind enough to not overly poke fun at me.

Today’s first confession, I happen to not hunt. I believe it was due to the trauma of hunting with my Dad when I was just old enough to be have been potty trained (Dad didn’t do diaper changes). All I remember was it was cold, muddy, and I had to carry stinking dead pheasants. Even worse – when cooked the pheasants tasted about as good as they smelled!

My lovely bride’s sons (especially the middle two, who happen to be twins) are hunters. For the middle two – if it moves, kill it. If it doesn’t move, poke it until it does move, then kill it. Collectively they own more hunting gear than the average Cabela’s®. Using high powered ammunition isn’t always enough of a challenge – and in past years, portions of our home have been turned into an archery range.

Confession number two – the only time I have ever used a bow, was at Kerry Buck’s 8th birthday party when we were in third grade. I must have really been bad, as Kerry’s family moved to West Virginia after school was out!

An indoor archery range provides a safe, comfortable space to learn, train and compete. Indoor facilities are archer, family and spectator friendly on a year-around basis.

therapeutic riding arenaThe archery range is the main feature of an indoor archery range facility. The most popular indoor distance is 18 meters (approximately 20 yards). 25 meter competition is recognized internationally. Beginner programs will utilize five, 10 and 15 yard distances. Indoor space is provided behind the targets for an arrow curtain to slow down arrows which miss the target. The back wall is typically lined with plywood or osb (oriented strand board) to stop arrows which pass through the curtain. Allowing 50 feet of space behind the shooting line provides for equipment, seating and benches. Additional space allows for longer distance shooting and/or more equipment or seating space.

Internationally the standard for an archer’s space on the shooting line is 32 inches. Two archers can shoot at one target matt spaced at 64 inches simultaneously. The shooting position at each end should have enough extra space so the archer does not feel confined against the wall. For an 18 meter range, plan for a 120 foot long building, by the number of targets space width, with a 12 foot clear height ceiling.

A 25 meter range requires 15 feet of clear height, while a 30 meter range needs 18 feet.

Pole buildings provide the ideal home for indoor archery ranges. They are cost effective, rapidly constructed, and can readily be designed for appropriate climate control.