Tag Archives: pole barn budget

Ceiling Loaded Trusses

Part of the mission of any good post frame (pole) building kit package supplier or contractor should be to save the client from making crucial design errors which they will later regret.

Among the most often questions I answer in my “Ask the Pole Barn Guru” weekly column is in regards to the ability of an existing building’s roof trusses to carry a ceiling load. I’ve expounded in this area in the past:


With a client who possibly did not communicate their needs well: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2015/04/ceiling-load-2/

Existing buildings: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2013/10/ceiling-load/

Ceiling Loaded TrussesThis morning Hansen Pole Buildings’ Designer Dennis asked a question of me which I had failed to address in the past 1000 plus blog posts, “I was looking on blogs couldn’t find difference between roof trusses designed for ceiling load and not designed”.

Like most anything here at Hansen Pole Buildings, ask the question and ye shall receive an answer.

Increasing the ceiling load carrying capacity of a roof truss can result in one or more of many changes. Generally there will be more changes to the physical nature of the trusses as the span of the truss, or roof snow loads increase.

Here are some of the things which might change:

Grade of lumber. The #2 grade lumber which one might acquire at the local big box store or lumberyard is rarely strong enough to be used in most truss chord applications. Most generally one finds the use of #1 or Select Structural visually graded material, or what is known as machine graded lumber (https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2012/12/machine-graded-lumber/). Often the need for increased load carrying capacity can be accommodated by a step or two up the ladder in the strength of the lumber.

Sometimes, stronger lumber alone, will not be the cure and larger dimensions of lumber may need to be utilized. 2×8 instead of 2×6 as an example.

Truss webs – those internal pieces of the truss, the ones running at angles between the top and bottom chords are known as “webs”. Sometimes the extra load capacity can be gained by adding more webs to the truss.

And let us not forget the lowly steel connector plates, which hold prefabricated metal connector plated trusses together. All of those joint connections now have to take an increased load, so there is going to be more square inches of steel utilized to do the trick.

The important part is less about HOW the load is going to be carried, and all about the ABILITY to carry it. Considering a new post frame building? If you think either you or the next owner or owners of the building might ever consider adding a flat level ceiling in the building, then it would be prudent to (at the least) order trusses designed to support the load now.

This is not the place to scrimp out trying to pinch a few pennies!

Pole Building Price for Size

Welcome to Ask the Pole Barn Guru – where you can ask questions about building topics, with answers posted on Mondays.  With many questions to answer, please be patient to watch for yours to come up on a future Monday segment.  If you want a quick answer, please be sure to answer with a “reply-able” email address.

Email all questions to: PoleBarnGuru@HansenPoleBuildings.com

 DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Can you sell in Custer county Oklahoma?


DEAR OKAY: Yes. Also in every other county, parish, city, town, state and any other designation within the United States.

Mike the Pole Barn Guru

DEAR POLE BARN GURU: I am interested in building a pole building home and started to look at a floor layout.  Where can I find information for the most economical length and width dimension for a home of 1600 to 2000 square feet?  This information would be helpful to help me request a quote for a build. ORIGINAL IN OREGON

DEAR ORIGINAL: You will find a pole building price is very reasonable, as pole barns are the most economical form of permanent construction for any type of building. When it comes to your new home, post frame construction (pole buildings) provide some other benefits – ease and speed of construction, ultimate flexibility of design due to virtually unlimited clearspans, plus energy efficiency from the deep wall cavities created with minimal thermal transmissions from framing members which are attached to both exterior and interior wall surfaces.

Dimensionally, you are best to work from combining room locations to best fit with your ease of use – then surround those spaces with exterior walls. Width and length dimensions which are in multiples of three feet and evenly divided by either 10 or 12 will give the most bang for your buck in a pole building price.  However the savings results in differences of a few pennies per square foot, not dollars.

Mike the Pole Barn Guru

DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Hello, Regarding a 62 x 40 building, similar to your project #04-0509. Have you ever sold any similar buildings in the Los Angeles area? Will the building meet residential building codes? This would be for a RV/Garage/Apartment replacing an existing Barn/Garage on my property.


DEAR LARGE: Thank you very much for your interest in a new Hansen Pole Building. We’ve provided similar buildings in every state in the United States, although not necessarily directly in the Los Angeles area. We have never had any client be unable to obtain a structural permit in Los Angeles county (or any other jurisdiction in the United States). Any post frame (pole building) can be designed to be able to meet residential building codes – however the scope of our design will be limited to the actual structural components themselves. Any energy calculations required, would need to be provided by your HVAC provider. You will need to consider the fire separation aspects between the mixed uses (garage/living space) which would be applicable to any form of construction.

One nice thing about post frame construction – due to the light weight of the structure, it is highly resistant to the effects of seismic events – making them ideal for highly earthquake prone events.

Your first step should be to contact your Planning Department, to see if you have the ability to construct a building of these (or similar) dimensions, where you want to place it.

Mike the Pole Barn Guru

Saving Money on Building a New Pole Building

The ‘net is a scary place

More “True Confessions” from the Pole Barn Guru….I am a ‘net surfer. Yep, I scour the internet for almost anything I can find on construction related topics (especially pole building related). I have Google Alerts set up so I get notified of almost anything new posted regarding pole buildings, pole barns or post frame buildings.

When I stumbled across an article about “cost-cutting methods” for saving money on building a new pole building, I was totally compelled to read it.

And then I had to sit down, before I passed out…..

I could hardly believe anyone would seriously advocate the majority of these methods. I am hoping, dear reader, most will be avoided by you, or anyone you care about.

Cut your costs even more with these ideas:”

Idea #1 “Use old telephone poles instead of buying new poles”.

Not to belabor a point, but properly pressure preservative treated columns are a cost effective solution and will last a lifetime. For more reading on why using old telephone poles is a bad idea: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/blog/2012/11/utility-poles/

 Idea #2 “Use inexpensive galvanized  steel for the roofing and siding

Heck, why not just use recycled steel siding? Just because it has holes in it already?

At my house, if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. And if I was to put up a new building with bare galvanized steel roofing OR siding on it, Mama would not be happy….for a very long time. Don’t be a fool….pre-painted steel panels are generally just a few cents per square foot more than ones which are not painted.

 Idea #3 “Standard building lumber typically is least expensive in 8-foot sheets, so design your barn or building in 8-foot sections.”

 I hate to pick on an author too much, but …… lumber does not come in sheets!

For buildings which will be sided with T1-11 or similar wood or cement based panels, the most cost effective size is four feet wide by eight feet tall. However, steel siding panels are going to be not only more economical, but more durable.

Want to be most cost effective for dimensions? Width and length dimensions which are multiples of two AND evenly divided by three, will give the most bang for the buck. In the great majority of instances, placing wall columns ever 12 feet with the roof trusses or rafters bearing directly upon the columns will be the most cost efficient.

 Idea #4 “Consider using trusses from old buildings. Make sure, however, that they are the correct size, and are uniform in size.”

 No, nada, nyet, nein….no way, no how. Coming from 17 years of pre-fabricated roof truss manufacturing plant ownership – DO NOT DO THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

(Also – do not buy roof trusses of indeterminate age which have been laying covered or uncovered in someone’s back yard or side lot)

And one may ask, why not? Besides the obvious – they are full of nail and other fastener holes from previous installation….

A plethora of money has been spent on research as to how wind and snow loads effect roof trusses. And with this, each new edition of the International Building Code (every three years), seemingly brings along with it new methods for the applications of loads to trusses.

Even a totally pristine truss, which was built under a previous code, may very well not meet the newer Code requirements for withstanding loads.

And (unless reliably inspected by a registered design professional), how would an individual know for certain the spacing the trusses were designed for, or the bracing requirements?

Idea #5 “Instead of paying for the barn all at once, build it in stages, adding stalls, lofts, or additional space on later, as time and money allow.”

 In a certain sense, there is some truth to this, with caveats:

Planning on adding a loft? The footings will probably need to be of larger diameter, in order to distribute the weight of the not only the loft floor, but what will be placed on top of it. Often, larger dimension columns are required to support the extra weight.

How about adding “side sheds”? Footing sizes come into play here as well. It also negates the advantages of having a single continuous run of roof steel. Splices never lay smoothly and afford a potential for leaks, as well as lack of proper load transfer, if not screwed adequately.

If you are going to build it in stages – fine, as long as you are designing the original structure to support those future changes.

Idea #6 “Have an old-fashioned barn-raising and invite friends to help.”

 Now this is the one good piece of advice in the article. Hiring a professional to construct a building will typically add 50% or more to the cost of materials. With specific plans and great instructions, the average building owner and his or her buddies can successfully construct a far nicer finished product than can ever be bought from a builder .

Why? Because it is yours, you care.

Idea #7 “Attend auctions to watch for windows, doors, and other items that you can use, rather than buying new.”

 This is generally a case of penny wise and pound foolish.

Windows – there are some places which have never before used vinyl windows of odd sizes which have integrated J channels. As long as one can stand some unique dimensions, this is a great opportunity. Avoid flanged only, or no flanged windows, as they will require J Channel and extra work in hopes they will not leak after installation. Better quality new windows, also come with manufacturer’s warrantees.

 Used doors?

Again, no warrantees and chances are – someone else’s problems are being purchased. Used doors do not come with CARFAX®, there is generally a reason these used doors have been replaced. And no guarantees of having all of the pieces necessary to make an overhead or sliding door work properly.

My caution – please do not believe everything you read on the ‘net. Even from me, who has been touted as the  pole barn “expert”, I am not infallible. Do due diligence, question everything, and use the one most crucial element…..

Common sense.

Pole Buildings & Internet Sales Tax

Pole Buildings & Internet Sales Tax

Hansen Pole Buildings sells pole building kit packages and materials directly from our website. We collect sales taxes from clients who are building in South Dakota and Washington states, but not from people who live in other states. Under the law, states can only require businesses to collect sales taxes if they have a physical presence (also known as nexus) in the state.

As a result, many online sales are essentially tax-free.

But the purchases aren’t really tax free under the law.

Buy anything on the Internet lately without paying sales tax? In all but a few states, you’re probably a tax cheat.

That’s right, even if Internet retailers don’t collect internet sales tax at the time of the purchase; you’re required by law to pay it in 45 states and the District of Columbia.

In states with sales taxes, if you buy something from an out-of-state retailer and don’t pay taxes, you are supposed to pay those taxes when you file your state tax return, said Neal Osten, director the Washington office of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Only Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon have no sales tax. Alaska has no state sales tax but does have local ones.

Here’s the problem for states: hardly anyone pays the tax, and there’s not much states can do about it.

Unpaid sales taxes are usually referred to as “use taxes” on state income tax returns. Use taxes apply to purchases made over Internet, from catalogs, television and radio ads and purchases made directly from out-of-state companies. State officials, however, complain few people pay these taxes, Olsten said.

“I do know about three people that comply with that,” says Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyoming.

As I am writing this, the Senate has just passed a bill Monday (sponsored by Enzi) making it easier for states to collect sales taxes for online purchases. While some of the nation’s largest retailers are rejoicing, businesses such as ours worry we will be swamped by new requirements from faraway states.  Many small businesses will be forced into a position of having to add another employee or employees, in order to keep up with the added burdens of collecting and remitting taxes, along with all of the extra paperwork, to jurisdictions all over the country.

Enzi’s bill would empower states to require businesses to collect taxes for products they sell on the Internet, in catalogs and through radio and TV ads. Under the bill, the internet sales tax would be sent to the states where a shopper lives.

Businesses with less than $1 million a year in out-of-state sales would be exempt.

Opponents say the bill doesn’t do enough to protect small businesses. EBay wants to exempt businesses from collecting internet sales tax with less than $10 million in sales or fewer than 50 employees.

“Complying and living under the tax laws of 50 states is a major undertaking because the process of complying with tax law goes far beyond just filling out the right forms,” said Brian Bieron, eBay’s senior director of global public policy. “You have to deal with the fact that all of these government agencies can audit you and can question you and can actually take you into court and sue you if they think you are doing something wrong.”

Our position – we always encourage our clients to contact their local taxing authority and to pay any use taxes due on their purchase, internet sales tax or otherwise. We do not believe in tax avoidance; however we also do not believe it is fair to place the burden of multi-state tax collection upon businesses such as ours. The added cost of staffing, means increased costs to our clients, all to pay for the collection of taxes!