Tag Archives: rebuilding after hurricanes

Superstorm Sandy

Project Superstorm Sandy

For more than 30 years the trade group at F+W Media has served the construction industry. Now they are coming together to serve the Red Cross and those communities most devastated by Superstorm Sandy by creating the website www.projectsandy.net. The companies listed in this guide (including Hansen Pole Buildings) are well established businesses which have earned their reputations as solid, trustworthy suppliers to the trade. They have the resources and dedication to help with rebuilding efforts.

This special construction resource guide is devoted to helping restore the homes, businesses and lives torn apart by Superstorm Sandy. The businesses listed on the Project Sandy website are prepared and ready to assist now. A portion of the proceeds from Project Sandy will be donated directly to the American Red Cross toward rebuilding efforts.

Superstorm Sandy did tens of billions of dollars in damage to coastal areas of New York and New Jersey. New York and New Jersey are seeking at least $60 billion in emergency federal funding, but Congress is still debating the request. From past experiences with hurricanes, there appears to be about a two-year lag time between the event, and the ability to actually rebuild.

“We’ve looked at really a two-year lag period after a hurricane,” he says. “And you’ll still see that the areas that are hit are a little bit below where they should have been.”

Hurricane Katrina visited New Orleans in August 2005. I was in New Orleans this past December.  Driving through some of the neighborhoods which were devastated by Katrina, they sadly don’t look much different than they did over seven years ago!

To those who have had garages, shops, barns or other structures which are, or could be post frame (pole) buildings destroyed by Sandy – Hansen Pole Buildings is here to assist. We can work with insurance companies and adjusters to help make the road to recovery as expedient and pain free as possible. Let us know what your building needs are, and we will assist you on your road to recovery.