Tag Archives: Rural Builder

Maximizing the Metal: Why all Metal is Not Created Equal Part III

Yesterday I shared a portion of Sharon Thatcher’s article on how painted steel panels need to be handled with care. The article also touches on the differences in paint, and which ones are the longest lasting. Here is Part III. The final segment of Sharon’s story, as can be read in the September 2016 issue of Rural Builder magazine.


The longevity of metal panels is a selling point but also can create an issue when warranties are involved. “You have these warranties for a long time, so do your due diligence,” said Dan Knight.

Knight recommends that builders have their suppliers walk them through the claims process. “If someone says ‘I have a 40-year warranty,’ understand what that means, and understand the remedy.”

What is covered for 40 years and what isn’t?

“Maybe the best thing to do is to say [to your supplier]: walk through the claims process with me. If I have this product for 10 years and I have a claim in 10 years, what happens? Whoever they’re buying it from should be able to tell them how it works.”

Also make sure you keep your receipts. Your bill of receipt will contain important coil numbers, batch numbers and paint code numbers. Assuming you are working with a legitimate company, all that information will help track down vital information about the coil’s production process and warranty details. Paint codes will tell you the type of paint and the years it is expected to last.

A note of warning: while there is a lot of good foreign steel there is also a fair share of cheap and poorly-made foreign steel. Getting satisfaction on a warranty from thousands of miles away, and across multinational lines, can get tricky.

Then there are the instances where a company is not legitimate. The guys at Steel Dynamics have seen it all. “What we find with off-shore steel in particular, they might mimic our warranty. It may be all misspelled, but they’ll copy it, except for the remedy. That’s important. The warranty may say ‘this warranty is only for the cost of the paint.’ So you just paid $12,000 for metal and the paint cost is $800. Or it may say ‘this warranty is not valid within a thousand meters of water, man-made or otherwise; or not in areas of high humidity; or all claims are settled in Chinese court.’ So you have to really understand these things. And compare that to other warranties.”

Switzer has even seen bogus companies passing out Bethlehem Steel warranties and Bethlehem steel hasn’t been in business since 2002.

The victim is ultimately the building owner, but of course everyone along the supply chain are victims as well, from the roll former who purchased that problem steel, to the builder who bought the finished panel and installed it.

Understand the claims process and your level of risk exposure.

“It’s one thing to sell a building to someone with a 40-year warranty, but it’s another thing to have that person come back and discover there’s nothing behind that warranty. And you live in the same town and go to the same church. It’s going to be hard to tell him, ‘well, I can’t really fix this.’”

Unfortunately, the consequences may come when you least expect it. “Even a marginal product will last 10 years pretty much anywhere in the country. So what’s going to happen in 10 years, faster in the south, there’s going to be a day of reckoning, where the offshore stuff people buy, the red is going to turn pink, the green is going to turn white or yellow.”

Bottom line: “Just understand there is a lot of exposure to this. To replace or repaint a roof is considerably more expensive than the cost of the metal.”

Gold Key of Excellence Award

Rural Builder Key of ExcellenceRural Builder magazine has sponsored the Gold Key of Excellence Award for 33 years. This award relies upon a ballot process which allows builders in the rural industry to vote for the companies which provide the best products and services time and time again.

The balloting process begins in late February each year, with the final selections announced in the July issue of Rural Builder.

In 2014, Rural Builder awarded to only 59 companies across the United States their Gold Key of Excellence.

Today I am proud to say I received an Email today from Sharon Thatcher, Editor of Rural Builder magazine, announcing the selection of Hansen Pole Buildings as a Gold Key of Excellence award winner for 2015. As such, Hansen Pole Buildings will be featured in July’s Rural Builder along with the other deserving recipients.

Part of what has allowed Hansen Pole Buildings to reach this pinnacle has been the relationships we have with other Gold Key of Excellence recipients, who are among our valued vendors and suppliers.

Among these (listed in order by the number of years they have received the Gold Key Award) are:

Plyco Corporation https://www.plyco.com/ – commercial steel entry doors

Fabral https://www.fabral.com – steel roofing and siding

Maze Nails https://www.mazenails.com – threaded hardened nails

American Building Components https://www.abcmetalroofing.com – steel roofing and siding

RigidPly Rafters https://www.rigidply.com – glulaminated columns

National Hardware https://www.natman.com – sliding door components

Leland Industries https://www.lelandindustries.com – powder coated screws

MWI Components https://www.mwicomponents.com – cupolas

Marco Industries https://www.marcoindustries.com – foam closures

Simpson Strong-Tie https://www.strongtie.com – joist hangers

Perma-Column https://www.permacolumn.com – brackets to anchor columns to foundations

Schweiss Doors https://www.bifold.com – hydraulic and bi-fold doors for hangars and agriculture

Thank you again to our vendors without whom we could not provide the high levels of quality and service which gained us the Gold Key of Excellence Award. And most of all, thank you to the builders and those who recognize the commitment made by Hansen Pole Buildings to provide each and every client with an exceptional post frame building experience.

Mike the Pole Barn Guru Published

Here’s How I Did It

The full title of the book is, “Here’s How I Did It! World’s Top Experts Share Their Stories, Insights and Perspectives” by Raam Anand.

It is available at Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Heres-How-Did-Insights-Perspectives-ebook/dp/B00OUVDFL6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1415731572&sr=8-2&keywords=Here%27s+How+I+Did+It

As Mike the Pole Barn Guru, I’m highly flattered to have been selected to author a chapter in Volume II of this book series. Obviously I’ve written a couple or three (nearly 800) blog articles. I’ve also been a contributing writer for publications such as Structural Building Components and Rural Builder, however this will be my first foray into being published in a book. Pretty exciting stuff for me.

In the book’s description:

Discover how they did what they did to get to the top!

Learn the exact strategies used by top achievers to grow their businesses.

Get inspired by their true stories, journey and accomplishments.

From 21 top experts in various fields comes the definitive statement of motivation and insights for our troubled times.

“Here’s How I Did It!” is the saga of personal challenges, achievements and accomplishments from 21 experts from around the world.

Of the first volume, one of the Co-Authors, Doug Champigny (www.DougChampigny.com), writes, “I can honestly say how impressed I was by the stories of the other 20 co-authors in this volume. Raam Anand has done an amazing job of bringing together some very heavy hitters, and beyond being educational, this book is truly motivational as you discover just some of the many routes to the top.

With 21 different experts each contributing a chapter detailing their journey, you’re bound to find one or more that resonate with YOU and what you’re trying to accomplish in your business life.

Find the experts who most closely fit your goals, read their stories then use their information to follow them on social media or through their websites. Each chapter is valuable – combined they could make it much easier for you to become an internationally-famous expert too!”

Mike the Pole Barn Guru will endeavor to do justice to those who co-authored the first volume. Keep your eyes on this space for publication date!