Tag Archives: Scott-Systems

Win Three Post-Rack Brackets

Free Bonus – Opportunity to Win Three Post-Rack Brackets

Long time readers will recall my article on post-rack brackets: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2016/12/post-racks/. Well, Hansen Pole Buildings has teamed up with our good friends at Scott Systems to give our valued clients an opportunity for a freebie!

You heard it right – this is a chance to win three award winning Post-Rack brackets. Tired of hearing your significant other grouse about no space left in the barn? Reclaim up to 48 feet of the valuable floor space in your pole building with these Post-Rack brackets!

Scott-Systems is offering the opportunity to “Store Up the Wall” and “Free Up the Floor” with a free bracket give-away! Starting Friday, August 18th, go to @WeAreScottSystems on Facebook, click on the “Free Bracket” give-away and simply enter your email for a chance to win! Share and Like the promo on your Facebook page for a bonus of five additional entries. Two winners will be selected at random, two more winners will be selected based upon most number of shares. The NFBA 50th Expo in Nashville, TN awarded Post-Rack bracket “Best Product”; expert engineering, US veteran leadership and superior American manufacturing permits us to pass along discounted savings, check them out at www.post-rack.com!

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/RDGiGWbETFY 


Hansen Buildings Testimonial

Totally Unsolicited Hansen Buildings Testimonial

When I was actively selling post frame buildings, I became adept at asking for written testimonials. They were actually quite easy to get. Immediately after the client has invested in his (or her) new post frame building, I asked them these four questions:

  • Why did you invest in a new Hansen Pole Building
  • What problems will having your new Hansen Pole Building solve for you?
  • Would you recommend others do business with Hansen Pole Buildings?
  • May others contact you, if needed, to verify the accuracy of your statements?

The real joy, however, comes totally unsolicited, and often without the writer having invested in a post frame building I was involved in.

“Just wanted to send a quick note of thanks.  I was recently introduced to Hansen Buildings and Mike’s blog “Ask the Pole Barn Guru” by the team at Scott-Systems (Post-Rack bracket) who I believe met Mike at the NFBA expo in Nashville a couple weeks ago.  



 My family and I recently built a pole frame structure last summer and sought out a number of resources as we went through the planning and design process and unfortunately never ran across your website until now but after spending some time reading the blog posts and reviewing some of your resources, I am truly thankful for the information that you have provided.  So much so, that when we get comments and request from our YouTube channel in regards to videos that we have posted of our process in constructing and designing our building and why we went the post frame route that I honestly have started to point them in your direction as I feel many of the questions are addressed plainly and simply in the resources you provide.

 Thanks again and if you get a chance, feel free to check out some of our videos and provide any feed back or comments on our building/process/design.  Have a wonderful day!


I have watched all of Dan’s videos on YouTube and have commented upon several of them. Although the structural design of Dan’s particular post frame building differs from what my own personal choice would be, there are some things done right. I would encourage anyone with an interest in post frame construction to check them out.

P.S. I did meet the good folks from Scott Systems at the NFBA Expo. Read about Scott Systems here.