Tag Archives: steel roofing & siding

Steel Siding and Zinc

Galvanization refers to the coating of steel with zinc.  This is done to prevent rusting of the steel. The value of galvanizing stems from the corrosion resistance of zinc, which, under most service conditions, is considerably greater than steel. The zinc serves as a sacrificial anode, so it cathodically protects exposed steel. This means even if the coating is scratched or abraded, the exposed steel siding or roofing will still be protected from corrosion by the remaining zinc – an advantage absent from paint, enamel, powder coating and other methods. Galvanizing is also favored as a means of protective coating because of its low cost, ease of application and comparatively long maintenance-free service life.

The earliest cold roll formed steel siding and roofing panels were unpainted galvanized steel.

Sharon Glorioso writes in a Metal Roofing Magazine article:

Horizontal Steel Siding“It’s common to find zinc roofs that have been in service for more than 100 years throughout the major cities of Europe.  For example, the famous German architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841) used zinc extensively for roofing and building ornamentation on several historical buildings and palaces, which still stand today.

The latest example of the longevity of zinc involves the renovation of St. Catherine’s Church in Reutlingen, Germany.  The church was built in 1890 in Gothic Revival style and utilized large portions of zinc tile roofing.  After approximately 120 years, it was determined that a restoration was needed.  The craftsman Wolfgang Huber was commissioned to conduct an assessment of the roof and a study to determine the feasibility of reusing the historic zinc tiles.  Huber, along with an industrial climber, ascended the roof and spires for a personal, up-close inspection of the effects of weathering and previous repair attempts.  “This climbing technique is a cost-effective method of accurately determining damage and planning the remediation,” Huber said.

The restoration plan called for dismantling and removing all zinc tiles for inspection and cleaning and salvaging as many tiles as possible.  Tiles determined to be too damaged for reuse were recycled.  The original tiles on the eastern portion of the roof, which was not exposed to the main west wind and weather were nearly all reusable.  Located at the old cemetery in Reutlingen, the church building has now been preserved to nearly its original state in 1890.

Two distinct but related attributes of zinc in buildings are major factors in its environmental performance: durability and recyclability.  The widespread application of zinc in roofing and wall cladding began in the 19th century.  These were often civic buildings and cathedrals–built to last for generations.  Today, zinc products used in architectural construction have an extremely long service life: an estimated 80 to 100 years for roofs and 200 to 300 years for walls.”

While most steel siding and roofing panels are now factory painted steel, the base coating beneath the paint is still either galvanized, or galvalume® (for more information on Galvalume®: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/blog/2013/04/galvalume/). For longevity and value combined with lifespan, steel siding and roofing just cannot be beat by any other product.

Steel Thickness

The Rumors One Hears

Author’s Note: This is part 8 of a series of blogs written from a 6500+ motorcycle trip from WA to Ohio and back.  See Blog from Oct. 15th for the beginning…and hang on for the ride!

I suppose not every customer walks into a lumberyard fully dressed in leathers. I have found it does have certain advantages, as most building materials dealer employees seem to either own a motorcycle now, previously, or want to in the future. It gives a common ground on which to bond from. Pole Barn Guru Blog

After chatting up one motorcycle enthusiast on my “Zen” trip, I found out he formerly worked for the largest steel roll forming company in the United States. This company happens to also provide a considerable number of post frame building packages across their service area.

While we are talking, he happens to mention he has heard his former employer is providing steel roofing and siding for their buildings, in which they measure their steel thickness INCLUDING the paint! Now this could very well just be the grumblings of a former employee, or there could be some degree of truth to the story.

So how would one go about being able to determine if what they are being sold is actually what they think they are buying?

Outside Micrometer.

I did a search this morning and found outside micrometers available on EBay for as little as $22.95 plus shipping. Purchasing one  to measure steel thickness could more than pay for itself, even when involving a very small building.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with how to use an outside micrometer, the following is provided courtesy of www.pgiinc.com:

Sleeve: The Micrometer sleeve is divided into 10 equal parts, each of these parts is equal to .100″  (1 tenth of an inch). Each of these 10 parts is divided into 4 equal parts. Each of these 4 subdivisions is equal to .025″ or one 40th of an inch. More simply, the line on the sleeve marked “1” represents .100″, the line marked “2” represents .200″ and so forth.

Thimble: The thimble is divided into twenty-five equal parts, each of these parts is equal to .001″  and, one complete rotation of the thimble coincides with the smallest division  (.025″) on the sleeve.

(1) Reading on the Sleeve .200″
(2) No. of lines between “2” and the edge of the thimble .025″
(3) Thimble line corresponding to the center line of the sleeve .001″

Steel thickness is measured before primer and paint are applied to the bare steel. The generally accepted thickness of the paint coatings systems should be approximately .0015 of an inch.

Shopping for a pole building kit package? If the proposed provider has some steel siding or roofing available, take your micrometer to it. If it is supposed to be 29 gauge, it should measure no less than .0157 including the paint. If it is less….you are paying for either less steel or thinner paint than what is being advertised!

For more information on steel thickness and steel gauges:
