Tag Archives: texas pole barns

5 Places or Spaces Perfect for Pole Buildings

Gambrel Concessions BuildingWe took a look at some of America’s most wide open spaces and thought hard about how climate, severe weather, wind, and seasonal changes affect the ability of a sturdy pole building to provide housing, commercial office space, and industrial warehouse storage.

It may come as no surprise that the majority of the locations we selected were part of the American South. That doesn’t mean that our great northern states aren’t wonderful places to experience life, but it does mean that the bounty of land and the relative calm of the southern warmth make for some unbeatable pole barn conditions.


One of the most spacious states also happens to be one of the calmest when it comes to natural disasters. A pole barn suits Texas quite well. Although the coastline falls into the Gulf of Mexico, inland Texas only sees an occasional flood. It lies just outside of tornado alley, which means storms from the north and south typically weaken before they hit the heart of Texas.

On top of that, snow in Texas is rare. You may see an inch or two of snow in most parts of the state once every 5-10 years. That means you don’t have to worry about load-bearing for heavy snow or complex heating systems. You will, however, probably need to consider serious insulation and an efficient air conditioning system.

Still, the countless acres of ranch land that are constantly up for grabs rest outside the city limits of most major cities, which means it’s easier for you to get the permits you need to build and your restrictions will be, well, less strict. We’d still recommend some quality grading for wind, however, for the occasional storm that has a hard time dissipating.


Georgia may not have the same massive tracts of land that Texas does, but it still has gorgeous weather and has about the same propensity for natural disasters that Texas does. Floods are its most frequent trouble, but planning your pole building accordingly should negate any severe damage.

Northern Georgia does see the occasional winter storm, most of which are quick to knock out power. If you want to build your pole barn in the northern part of the state, make sure you prepare your roof to handle large amounts of snow that build up rapidly.

Other than that, Georgia enjoys four distinct seasons in most of the state. That means with proper ventilation, you can save money on heating and cooling your pole building. Plus, you can build outside of the city limits of cities like Atlanta and still commute to and from work!


What’s unique about Oregon is its topography, which lends itself to a climate that changes depending on where you are in the state. While pole barns in Oregon need lots of support for snow and top-quality heating systems, there’s also lots of rolling land on which smart homeowners can build affordable pole buildings.

Its proximity to the Pacific Ocean doesn’t open the state up to many disasters. More than floods and tsunamis, Oregon contends with landslides and earthquakes. However, major occurrences are extremely rare and most pole buildings can be built to withstand minor jolts and impacts.


Drought and dust storms are nature’s claim to fame in the dry lands of Arizona. What’s cool about the state, though, is that its sandy and rocky terrain make it easy for builders to quickly assemble pole buildings that are graded for wind-resistance.

Land in Arizona is relatively inexpensive, and when you combine the cost of land purchase with the construction of a pole building, you’ll find that the total cost of putting together a workspace or a home in Arizona is incredibly low. Though you may need a combination air conditioning and heating system to contend with fluctuating temperatures, you’ll save plenty in pole barn construction and maintenance to purchase one.


Though parts of central Nebraska are prone to tornadoes, we recommend placing a pole building on the east or west side of the state. In the east, you can build a home or office space just outside of Omaha and stay within arm’s reach of the big city.

Lincoln also isn’t far off in the East, and there’s land to the North and South between the two cities that’s likely more lenient when it comes to building pole buildings. Nebraska also sees some rough winters and summers, but only in the depth of each. The rest of the seasons are fairly mild, so conditions stay ideal for pole buildings for most of the calendar year.

Southern Florida Pole Barn, Custom Plans, and Texas Pole Barns

This Wednesday the Pole Barn Guru answers reader questions about the recommendation of a pole barn home in Southern Florida, what type of custom plans Hansen Buildings provides, and pole barns in the great state of Texas.

DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Hi, are Pole Barn Homes recommended in Southern Florida? It’s hot. If so, I would really like more details and design models to look at. Thanks BEAU in NORTH FORT MYERS

DEAR BEAU: Absolutely! We have provided hundreds of buildings in hot climates, far worse than Southern Florida (think areas like Phoenix). Post frame (pole barn) homes can also be engineered to withstand design wind speeds in excess of 200mph, as your area can see some extreme hurricane wind conditions. Your Hansen Pole Buildings’ Designer Brenner can assist in guiding you to a building solution able to meet your wants and needs, while maintaining comfort from heat and safety from wind.


DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Can you do custom plans? MARCIA in TRAPPE

DEAR MARCIA: Absolutely we can. Every building we provide is 100% custom designed to best meet our clients wants and needs. We can provide floor plans, as well as every Hansen Pole Building coming with fully engineered, site-specific full multi-page 24” x 36” structural blueprints detailing the location and attachment of every piece (as well as suitable for obtaining Building Permits). This article details differences between floor and structural plans: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2022/05/floor-plans-vs-structural-building-plans/


DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Hello, Pole barns are not built in my area and I’m don’t know why. Is there a good reason pole barns should not be built in central Texas? Thanks, JOE in BERTRAM

DEAR JOE: Hansen Pole Buildings has provided hundreds of fully engineered, custom designed post frame buildings and barndominiums featuring America’s strongest glulaminated columns to our clients in Texas. Now Texas is a big state, so those buildings are scattered widely across 268.596 square miles. Should they be built in Central Texas – absolutely. Post frame (pole barns) are your most economical fully engineered permanent structures and can be designed for a plethora of uses. Why there are so few in your area? Easy – nearly all of Texas does not enforce building codes. This allows for all sorts of dubious structural integrity to be built, and they are. Most popular are “weld up” steel buildings and “blow away” carports. Now I have no issues with a fully engineered steel building welded on site by certified welders (ideally third-party inspected) – however when I have quizzed a few of these builders, they tell me their buildings would become overly expensive if engineered. Blow away carports are what they are.

5 Places or Spaces Perfect for Pole Buildings

Gambrel Concessions BuildingWe took a look at some of America’s most wide open spaces and thought hard about how climate, severe weather, wind, and seasonal changes affect the ability of a sturdy pole building to provide housing, commercial office space, and industrial warehouse storage.

It may come as no surprise that the majority of the locations we selected were part of the American South. That doesn’t mean that our great northern states aren’t wonderful places to experience life, but it does mean that the bounty of land and the relative calm of the southern warmth make for some unbeatable pole barn conditions.


One of the most spacious states also happens to be one of the calmest when it comes to natural disasters. A pole barn suits Texas quite well. Although the coastline falls into the Gulf of Mexico, inland Texas only sees an occasional flood. It lies just outside of tornado alley, which means storms from the north and south typically weaken before they hit the heart of Texas.

On top of that, snow in Texas is rare. You may see an inch or two of snow in most parts of the state once every 5-10 years. That means you don’t have to worry about load-bearing for heavy snow or complex heating systems. You will, however, probably need to consider serious insulation and an efficient air conditioning system.

Still, the countless acres of ranch land that are constantly up for grabs rest outside the city limits of most major cities, which means it’s easier for you to get the permits you need to build and your restrictions will be, well, less strict. We’d still recommend some quality grading for wind, however, for the occasional storm that has a hard time dissipating.


Georgia may not have the same massive tracts of land that Texas does, but it still has gorgeous weather and has about the same propensity for natural disasters that Texas does. Floods are its most frequent trouble, but planning your pole building accordingly should negate any severe damage.

Northern Georgia does see the occasional winter storm, most of which are quick to knock out power. If you want to build your pole barn in the northern part of the state, make sure you prepare your roof to handle large amounts of snow that build up rapidly.

Other than that, Georgia enjoys four distinct seasons in most of the state. That means with proper ventilation, you can save money on heating and cooling your pole building. Plus, you can build outside of the city limits of cities like Atlanta and still commute to and from work!


What’s unique about Oregon is its topography, which lends itself to a climate that changes depending on where you are in the state. While pole barns in Oregon need lots of support for snow and top-quality heating systems, there’s also lots of rolling land on which smart homeowners can build affordable pole buildings.

Its proximity to the Pacific Ocean doesn’t open the state up to many disasters. More than floods and tsunamis, Oregon contends with landslides and earthquakes. However, major occurrences are extremely rare and most pole buildings can be built to withstand minor jolts and impacts.


Drought and dust storms are nature’s claim to fame in the dry lands of Arizona. What’s cool about the state, though, is that its sandy and rocky terrain make it easy for builders to quickly assemble pole buildings that are graded for wind-resistance.

Land in Arizona is relatively inexpensive, and when you combine the cost of land purchase with the construction of a pole building, you’ll find that the total cost of putting together a workspace or a home in Arizona is incredibly low. Though you may need a combination air conditioning and heating system to contend with fluctuating temperatures, you’ll save plenty in pole barn construction and maintenance to purchase one.


Though parts of central Nebraska are prone to tornadoes, we recommend placing a pole building on the east or west side of the state. In the east, you can build a home or office space just outside of Omaha and stay within arm’s reach of the big city.

Lincoln also isn’t far off in the East, and there’s land to the North and South between the two cities that’s likely more lenient when it comes to building pole buildings. Nebraska also sees some rough winters and summers, but only in the depth of each. The rest of the seasons are fairly mild, so conditions stay ideal for pole buildings for most of the calendar year.