Tag Archives: wiring

How to Wire a Winch, Floor Vapor Barrier, and Floor Sealant

Today the Pole Barn Guru assists reader with wiring a winch, vapor barriers for a floor, and floor sealant.

DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Do you know how to wire ATV warn winch to make electric winch boxes? MAX in SPOKANE

DEAR MAX: Thanks to magical miracles of internet and Google here is where you can locate appropriate wiring diagrams: https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=wiring+a+warn+winch+to+110+volts+diagram&fr=crmas&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftops-stars.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2Fwarn-winch-wiring-diagram-solenoid-how-to-wire-up-a-warn-m8000-regarding-warn-winch-controller-wiring-diagram.jpg#id=1&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcssmith.co%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F11%2Fwarn-winch-solenoid-diagram-starter-wiring-for-illustration-enjoyable.jpg&action=click

DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Should I put plastic down under the stone floor in a steel building? BOB in WYALUSING

DEAR BOB: It certainly could not hurt and might help to lower humidity within your building, as well as minimize or eliminate condensation challenges. Look for a 15 mil poly. Here is some more information on vapor barriers: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2017/11/vapor-barriers-slabs-grades/


DEAR POLE BARN GURU: I have a garage without moisture barrier beneath. Is it possible to seal this? Thanks for any info you might have. SAM in EUFAULA

DEAR SAM: Chances are good you can use a sealant upon your concrete floor to keep some or all ground moisture from migrating through.

Here is how to properly apply a sealant: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2019/02/how-to-properly-apply-post-frame-concrete-sealant/.

And information about one sealant in particular: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2018/11/siloxa-tek-8505-concrete-sealant/.






“Rafter”Spacing, Old Posts, and Electrical Wiring Solutions

Today the Pole Barn Guru answers questions about “rafter” spacing, how to best dispose of old posts, and where to run electrical wiring.

DEAR POLE BARN GURU: Can I place rafters 48” apart on 24 x 40 pole barn with steel roof? DAVE in BAY CITY

DEAR DAVE: I will interpret your “rafters” to be Midwestern casual term for roof trusses. If so and properly designed to support required loads, trusses could be placed every four feet. In order to support roof steel, purlins would need to be laid either across top of, or joist hung in between roof truss top chords.

You should consult with an RDP (Registered Design Professional – architect or engineer) who will be providing plans for your building for determination of required loads, purlin spacing and size.


Ask The Pole Barn GuruDEAR POLE BARN GURU: I have a telephone post fence that I no longer want. How to I dispose of it? It is big and heavy. MINETTE in LUCAS

DEAR MINETTE: Whether large or small challenges, or a question doesn’t even pertain to post frame buildings, I do my best to answer them all and give best possible advice.

I’d start with trying to give it away using Craigslist and/or Facebook – you just might find a taker!


DEAR JUSTINE: (Ha ha! Fooled you as reader JAMES questioned Hansen Pole Buildings’ wizardress of all things materials – Justine, who forwarded it to me):

I have a construction question… I need to run wiring in the walls of the pole barn, and I wanted to be sure that drilling through the poles wouldn’t be a problem. I can either run all the wires up into the ‘attic’, then down where they are needed, which wouldn’t require boring holes through the poles, but would use a lot more wire, or I can run horizontally, and bore holes through the poles.

What is the recommended way? Are there limits to how many/large the holes can be?


DEAR JAMES: An article has been written specifically to address your question: http://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/2013/08/electrical-holes/